
CPD-II Syllabus Revised


Syllabus: CPD-II


CPD-II (Paper-I: C3)-Public Finance


Public Financial Management

Meaning and Importance of Public Finance, The Principle of Maximum Social Advantage, Role of Public Finance under different Economic Systems, Concept and Principles of Federal Finance, Analytical study of Union Budget, Government Accounting Standards issued by the GASAB.

Public Expenditure

Principles of Public Expenditure, Revenue and Capital Expenditure, Development and Non-Development Expenditure, Effects of Public Expenditure

Public revenue


Sources of Revenue, Taxes, Canons of Taxation, Characteristic of Good Tax System, The Theory of Tax Structure Development, Changes in Tax Structure under the Impact of Economic Development, Incidence of taxation Money Burden and Real Burden. Factors Determining Incidence, Relative Merits and Demerits of Direct and Indirect Taxes.

Problem of equity

Cost of Service Principle, Benefit or ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Theory. ‘Ability to Pay’ Theory, Proportional vs. Progressive Taxation. Taxable Capacity

Public debt


Classification of Public Debt. Purposes of Public Debt. Methods of Debt Redemption. Voluntary or Forced Loans. Effects of Public Debt on Production, Distribution, Consumption and Level of Income and Employment.

Economic development and Planning


Concepts of National Income & Product, Central Banking Principles, Functions of Central Banks, Monetary Policy Vs Fiscal Policy, Balance of Payments, Determinants of economic growth, Government Measures to Promote Economic Development, Regulatory Bodies established by laws, Provision of Economic and Social Overheads, Provision of Financial Facilities, Institutional Changes, Direct Participation, Indirect Measures, Forms of Planning : Planning by inducement and planning by Direction, Centralized planning vs. Decentralized Planning Pre-requisites of a Successful Planning.

Suggested Study Material:


·       Public Finance in Theory & Practice by Dr. S. K. Singh

·        Modern Economic Theory by Dr. K.K. Dewett and Shri M.H. Navalur (published by Shyam Lal Charitable Trust, New Delhi (sole distributor S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi)

·        Union Budget

·        Government Accounting Standards issued by the GASAB

·        Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003


CPD-II (Paper-II: C4)-Auditing: Method & Techniques



1.     Performance Auditing including Public Private Partnership (PPP) audit, formulating audit Plans including risk analysis. Use of quantitative techniques and analytical procedure in audit, Framing audit objectives and issue analysis, setting audit criteria, audit of Internal controls including forensic audit, Audit evidence and documentation, Quality assurance in auditing including audit quality management framework and Assurance through Peer Review, Reporting and following audit findings/observations.


Suggested Reading:-

·       Auditing Standards & Performance Auditing Guidelines issued by the CAG of India

·       Public Audit Guidelines issued by the CAG of India.

·       Internal Control Evaluation Manual issued by the CAG of India.

·       Practice Guide Series and supplementary guidelines issued by the CAG of


·       International auditing standards and practice statements issued by IFAC

·       Auditing Standards and guidelines issued by INTOSAI

·       CAG’s standing order on role of audit in relation to cases of fraud & corruption

·       Audit Quality Management Framework and Quality Assurance through Peer




2.     Practice Guide Series and supplementary guidelines issued by the CAG of India. International Auditing Standards and International Auditing Practice Statements issued by the IFAC, Auditing standard issued by the INTOSAI.



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