
SAS-Group-II Syllabus Revised


SAS-Group-II Syllabus Revised






PC8: Financial Rules and Principles of Government Accounts

(Civil Accounts, Civil Audit and Local Audit)

      Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100



I.               Financial Rules. 


1    Provisions of Central Government Accounts (Receipts and Payments) Rules, 1983

2    Provisions of General Financial Rules 2017

3    Provisions of Delegation of Financial Powers Rules (DFPR) 1978

II.            Principles of Civil Accounts 

1)     Provisions of Government Accounting Rules, 1990 

2)     Provisions of Comptroller and Auditor General’s Manual of Standing Orders (A&E) Vol. II:

a.     Chapter 1- Appropriation Accounts

b.     Chapter 2- Finance Accounts (Revised) Annexure and Appendices

3)     List of Major and Minor Heads of Accounts of Union and States ( LMMH )

4)     Provisions of Civil Accounts Manual issued by Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure: Chapters 1-10 and Chapter 13 and Chapter 17. 

Reference Books


1.   Central Government Account (Receipts & Payments) Rules 1983

2.   General Financial Rules 2017

3.   Delegation of Financial Powers  Rules (DFPR) 1978

4.   Government Accounting  Rules 1990  published by Controller General of Accounts

5.   Comptroller & Auditor General Manual of Standing Orders (A&E) Vol. II

6.   List of Major and Minor Heads of Accounts of Union and States ( LMMH )

7.   Civil Accounts Manual, issued by Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, 








PC 9 : Financial Rules and Principles of Defence Accounts.

(Defence Audit)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100


I.        Financial Rules.


Provisions of following Rules& Regulations

1.     Government Accounting Rules 1990.

1.      Chapter 1 -Introductory,

2.      Chapter 2 –General Outlines of the System of Accounts,

3.      Chapter 3- Basic Structure of the Form of Accounts.

2.     General Financial Rules 2017

3.     Delegation of Financial Powers Rules 1978 

4.     Financial Regulations I & II


II.     Principles of Defence Accounts


Provisions of following Codes/Manual/Hand Books

1.     Budgetary process for Defence Service Expenditure.

2.     Manual of Audit Department - Vol I Part B -Chapter 18 –(Accounts Section).

3.     Defence Accounts Code 

4.     Classification Hand Book of Defence Services Receipts and Charges,Debt and Remittances heads with code numbers.

5.     DAD OM Part II Vol I and Part IV

6.     Defence Audit Code(Chapter 18)


Suggested Readings:


1.     Government Accounting Rules 1990 : Chapters 1,2,& 3 

2.     General Financial Rules 2017

3.     Delegation of Financial Powers Rules 1978

4.     Financial Regulations I & II 5.Manual of Audit Department  

6.     Defence Accounts Code.

7.     Classification Hand Book of Defence Services Receipts and Charges

8.     DAD OM Part II Vol I and Part IV

9.     Defence Audit Code (Chapter 18)












PC 10 :Financial Rules and Principles of Postal Accounts

(P&T Audit)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100

I.   Financial Rules 


Provisions of following Rules


1)    General Financial Rules, 2017

2)    Central Government Accounts (Receipt & Payments) Rules, 1983 as related to and affect P&T Account).  

3)    Schedule of Financial powers of Postal Services Board, Deptt. of Posts  Rules, 1978 

4)    Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1978 II.


Provisions relating to following Manuals/ Rules


B.    A. Principles of Postal Accounts

Postal Accounts Manual, Volume-1                                 

1.Definitions and General system of Accounts 

2.  Organization and control 

3.  Postal Accounts Work

4.  Book and Compilation 


6.Annual Accounts of Central Government 

7.Transfer Entries Journal and ledger 

8.Cost Calculation   

9.     Capital Accounts   

10.  Checking of receipts 

11.  Internal check inspections 

12.  Appendix – V to Postal Accounts Manual, Volume-1    



B.      Government Accounting Rules, 1990  




C.      P&T FHB Volume-I (All Chapters and all appendices




D.      Civil Accounts Manual ( such  portions as relates to Postal Accounts ) E.Postal FHB Volume-II (All chapters and appendices except Appendix-V)





F.       Postal Manual Volume-VI.


1)      General rules relating to Money Order Department

2)      Money Orders  



G.      Postal Accounts Manual Volume-II


1.  Post office Certificate 

2.  Inland Money Orders, Foreign Money Orders and IMO (Instant Money Order)  3. Indian Postal Orders and eIPO (Electronic Indian Postal Order) 

4. Saving Bank etc. 



H.      Manual of S.B. Control Pairing and Internal Check Organization




I.        Post Office Guide (Part-I)




J.        Post Office Guide (Part-IV)



Books Suggested


1.     General Financial Rules, 2017

2.     Central Government Accounts (Receipt and Payment Rules) 1983.

3.     Schedule of Financial powers of Postal Services Board, Deptt. of Posts Rules, 1978 

4.     Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1978

5.     Postal Accounts Manual, Volume-Ialong with Appendix-V

6.     Government Accounting Rules, 1990  

7.     P&T FHB Volume-I

8.     Civil Accounts Manual.

9.     Postal FHB volume-II

10.  Postal Manual Volume-VI (Part-II )

11.  Postal Accounts Manual Volume-II

12.  Manual of S.B. Control pairing and Internal Check Organization

13.  Post Office Guide (Part-I)

14.  Post Office Guide (Part-IV)









PC11: Financial Rules, Principles of Govt. Accounts/Audit & Works Expenditure

 (Railway Audit)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100


I.               Financial Rules



1.     Provisions of General Financial Rules 2017



Financial Audit


Provisions of

2.     C&AG MSO (Audit), 2002 - Section III  

1.     Appropriation Audit (Chapter XV)

2.     Certification of Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts (Chapter XVI)

3.     Financial Attest Audit Manual


I.            Principles of Railway Accounts


Provision contained in following Codes/Manuals


1.     Indian Railways Administration and Finance An introduction


II.   Indian Railways Administration and Finance – An introduction

1.     Evolution of Indian Railways Historical Background (Chapter I)

2.     Structure and objectives of Railway Management (Chapter II)

3.     Railways, The Public and Parliament (Chapter III)

4.     Employee relations (Chapter IV)

5.     Management Accountability (Chapter V)

6.     Electronic Data Processing and General Application (Chapter VI)

7.     The Separation Convention (Chapter VII)

8.     Operational & Financial Planning (Chapter VIII)

9.     Economics of Rail Transport (Chapter IX)

b      Advances & arrear claims (Chapter X)

c       Disallowances and objections (Chapter XI)

d                 Records of service (Chapter XII)

1.     Indian Railways Finance Code Vol I 


1.     Financial organization and historical background (Chapter I)

2.     Financial Appraisal of Railway Projects (Chapter II)

3.     Railway Budget (Chapter III)

4.     Parliamentary Financial Control Appropriation Accounts (Chapter IV)

5.     Budgetary And Expenditure Control Financial/ Management Reporting (Chapter V)

6.     Contracts General Principles (Chapter VI)

7.     Allocation of Expenditure (Chapter VII)

8.     Inter Railway and Inter Departmental Service (Chapter VIII)

9.     Inter Railway and Inter Departmental Service (Chapter IX)

10.  Petty Contingent Expenses Cash Imprest (Chapter X)

11.  Reporting and Investigation of Loss of Cash, Stores or Other Railway Property (Chapter XI)


3.     Indian Railways Finance Code Vol II


1.     Classification of Revenue Expenditure (Appendix-I)

2.     Classification of Capital and Other Works Expenditure (Appendix-II)

3.     Classification of Earnings (Appendix-III)


4.     Indian Railway Code for Accounts Department Part I


1.     Departmental Regulations (Chapter I)

2.     Structure of Railway Accounts (Chapter II)

3.     Compilation of Railway Accounts (Chapter III)

4.     Remittance transactions India (Chapter IV)

5.     Remittance transactions outside India (Chapter V)

6.     Suspense accounts (Chapter VI)

7.     Annual accounts and returns (Chapter VII)

8.     Internal check (Chapter VIII)

9.     Provident fund accounts (Chapter IX)

10.  Internal check of pension payments (Chapter X)

11.  Bills (Chapter XI)

12.  Check of establishment charges general (Chapter XII)

13.  Check of pay rolls-officers (Chapter XIII)

14.  Check of pay rolls staff (Chapter XIV)

15.  Finance functions (Chapter XV)

16.  Miscellaneous expenditure(Chapter XVI)

17.  Inspection of Executive Offices (Chapter XVII)

18.  Security deposits (Chapter XVIII)

19.  Cash and pay department (Chapter XIX)


Works Expenditure and Accounts

5.     Indian Railway Code for Engineering Department


1.     Organisation and Administration (Chapter I)

2.     Traffic Survey (Chapter III)

3.     Engineering Survey Reconnaissance -Preliminary and Final Location Surveys

(Chapter IV)

1)     Project Engineering Estimation of Cost and Construction Schedule (Para 525-540

2)     ii)Techno economic survey reports (Para 555 to 576)

3)     Investment Planning and Works Budget (Chapter VI)

4)     Estimates (Chapter VII)

5)     Rules of acquisition of Land (Chapter VIII -  Para 805, 851 to 855)

6)     Execution of Works (Chapter XI)

7)     Contracts for Works (Chapter XII)

8)     Initial records (Chapter XIII)

9)     Initial account of revenue and works expenditure (Chapter XIV)

10)  Expenditure and Budgetary Control (Chapter XV)

11)  Commissioning of Railway Projects (Chapter XVI)

12)  Completion of Railway Projects (Chapter XVII)

13)  Miscellaneous Works (Chapter XVIII)

14)  Building and rents (Chapter XIX) 


Railway Audit

6.     Railway Audit Manual 


1.     Expenditure on Railway Audit (Chapter VI)

2.     General instructions regarding extent and procedure of Audit (Chapter VIII)

3.     Distribution of work (Chapter IX)

4.     Selection of documents for Audit (Chapter X)

5.     Review of Audit (Chapter XI)

6.     Works Audit (Chapter XVI) 

7.     Audit of General Books and Accounts (Chapter XIX)

8.     Appropriation Audit (Chapter XX)


Suggested readings:


1.     General Financial Rules, 2017

2.     C&AG MSO (Audit), 2002

3.     Financial Attest Audit Manual issued by C&AG of India

4.     Indian Railway Administration and Finance – An Introduction

5.     Indian Railways Finance Code Vol.I& II

6.     Indian Railway Code for Accounts Department Part I Indian Railway Code for Engineering Department

7.     Railway Audit Manual





PC12:  Financial Rules and Principles of Govt. Accounts and CPWA (Commercial Audit)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100


I.      Financial Rules and Principles of Govt. Accounts in the following Rules


1. Government Accounting Rules 1990:

–Chapter on General outline of the system of Accounts.

1.     General Financial Rules, 2017

2.     Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1978


II.   Provisions of following Chapters of Central Public Works Accounts Code


1         Chapter-2: Definitions

2         Chapter-3: General Outline of System of Accounts

3         Chapter- 5: Appropriations

4         Chapter-6: Cash

5         Chapter- 7: Stores

6         Chapter-8: Transfer Entries

7         Chapter-9: Revenue Receipts

8         Chapter 10: Works accounts

9         Chapter-11: Accounts procedure for lump sum contracts

10      Chapter-13: Suspense Accounts

11      Chapter-15: Deposits

12      Chapter 16:Non Government Works

13      Chapter-17: Transactions with other Divisions, Departments and Government 

14      Chapter-22: Accounts of Divisional Officers 

15      Statement E: Treatment of recoveries of Expenditure in the Accounts of the PublicWorks Department


III. International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)


Reference Book:


1      Government Accounting Rules 1990

2      General Financial Rules 2017

3      Central Public Works Accounts Code, First Edition, 1993 (Revised). 4.Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1978



PC-13 Accountancy (Civil Accounts)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                           Maximum Marks: 100


1)     Fundamental Principles of Accounting-

Fundamental Principles of Accounting- Meaning, Objectives, Types of AccountingInformation, Advantages and Limitations, Qualitative Characteristics of AccountingInformation, Theory Base of Accounting-Basic Concepts and Conventions, GenerallyAccepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).


2)     Accounting Process

Accounting Process: from recording of transactions to preparation of Financial Statements, Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement, Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors.


3)     Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves.


Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves.


4)     Bill of Exchange

Bill of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Cheques.


5)     Financial    Statements-

Financial Statements- Sole proprietorship concerns, Not-for-profit

Organisations,analysis of Financial Statements.


6)     Accounting Standards

Accounting Standards issued by ICAI.


7)     International Public Sector Accounting Standards

International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) of IFAC.


Books Suggested:


Principles and Practice of Accountancy by R.L Gupta and V.K Gupta.

Introduction to Accounting by T.S Grewal,

Compendium of Accounting Standards by ICAI,

IFAC Handbook of International Public Sector Accounting Board (available at website (







PC 14:     Financial    Accounting           with         Elementary Costing      

(Civil Audit, Local Audit, Defence Audit, Railway Audit & P&T Audit)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100


Financial Accounting: 

 40 Marks

Financial Accounting:

1      Financial Accounting: Nature and Scope, Limitations of Financial Accounting, Basic concepts and Conventions, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).



Accounting Process:

2      Accounting Process: From recording of transactions to preparation of Financial

Statements, Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement, Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors.




3      Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves.



Financial Statements: 

4      Financial Statements:  Sole Proprietorship Concerns, Analysis of  Financial Statements.



Joint Stock Companies.


5      Accounts of Joint Stock Companies.


Accounting Standards:                                                                                 20 Marks


Accounting Standards

1      Accounting Standards issued by Institute of Charted Accountants of India andIND AS notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs 



Uniform Format of Accounts

2      Uniform Format of Accounts for Central Autonomous Bodies

        Cost Accounting Topics:                                                                        40 Marks


Cost Accounting Topics:            

1      Introduction

2      Materials

3      Labour and Direct Expenses

4      Overheads (I) Factory Overheads

5      Overheads (II) Office and Administrative, Selling and Distribution Overheads

6      Marginal Costing, 

7      Production Accounts and Cost Sheets

8      Process Accounts


Books Suggested:



1.     Introduction to Accounting by T.S. Grewal

2.     Principles and Practice of Accountancy by R.L Gupta and V.K. Gupta

3.     Financial Accounting by S.N Maheshwari

4.     Cost Accounting by Shukla, Grewal and Gupta

5.     Compendium of Accounting Standards of ICAI

6.     Essentials of Cost Accounting by V.K. Saxena and C.D. Vashist

7.     Indian Accounting Standards – an overview of the Institute of Charted Accountants of India and pronouncements on IND AS. 









PC-15: Advanced Accounting

(Commercial Audit)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100


Basic concepts of Accounting:

1.     Basic concepts of Accounting: single and double entry, Books of Original Entry, Bank Reconciliation, Journal, Ledgers, Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors, Adjusting and closing entries, Manufacturing, Trading, Profit & Loss and Profit & Loss Appropriation Accounts, Balance Sheet, Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure, Depreciation Accounting, Valuation of Inventories, Non-profit organisations Accounts,Receipts and Payments and Income & Expenditure Accounts, Bills of Exchange, Self Balancing Ledgers.


Accounting concepts and conventions.


2.     Accounting concepts and conventions.


Royalty and Lease Accounts


3.     Royalty and Lease Accounts


Company Accounts

4.     Company Accounts including Consolidated Financial Statements


accounts for Central Autonomous Bodies & Public Utilities


5.     A.- Uniform format for accounts for Central Autonomous Bodies

B.-Accounts of Public Utilities Enterprises: Accounting formats prescribed by Electricity Act, (Electricity utility), Banking Companies, Non banking Companies, Insurance companies, Transport Companies


Departmental accounts

6.     Branch and Departmental accounts (including Foreign Branch Accounts)


Cash and Funds Flow Statement

7.     Cash and Funds Flow Statement, Working Capital


Accounting Standards

8.     Accounting Standards prescribed under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013.

9.     Accounting Standards of ICAI /IND AS notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs


Concepts of interim reporting

10            Concepts of interim reporting, Segment reporting, Corporate Social Responsibility

Accounting for JVs & PPP

11.Accounting for JVs and Public Private Partnerships



Books Suggested


1.     Advanced Accountancy by RL Gupta.

2.     Advanced Accounts by Shukla, Grewal & Gupta.

3.     Notification issued for Depreciation Accounting.

4.     Companies Act, 2013.  

5.     Accounting formats prescribed by Electricity Act, Reserve Bank of India and Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India.

6.     Indian Accounting Standards(InD AS)included in part B of Annexure to Ministry of Corporate Affairs Notification dated 16th  February 2015, relating to issues of companies(Indian Accounting Standards) Rules 2015. 









PC16: Public Works Accounts

(Civil Accounts, Civil Audit & Local Audit)



      Duration 2hours,                                                     Maximum Marks: 100


Provisions of following Codes/Manuals


1.  Central Public Works Accounts Code with Appendices 

2.  Accounts Code Volume-III

3.  Comptroller and Auditor General’s Manual of Standing Orders (A&E) Volume-I

(i)   Chapter 8 – Accounts of Public Works

(ii)  Chapter 9 – Accounts of Forests

4.  CPWD Works Manual2014


Reference Books:


1.    Central Public Works Accounts Code ,First Edition 1993 (Revised)

2.    Comptroller & Auditor General Manual of Standing Orders (MSO) (A&E) Volume-I

3.    Central Public Works Department Works Manual2014.







PC 17: Defence Audit

(Defence Audit)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100


Defence Audit.


1      Defence Organisation and Roles of Branches of services and Inter Services Organisation.

2      Provisions ofDefence Audit Code (Other than Chapter 18)

3      Provisions ofFinancial Attest Audit Manual

4      Audit of Defence Appropriations Accounts

5      Works Accounting and Auditing Procedures

6      Ordnance Factory Auditing Procedures

7      Provisions ofRegulations and Procedures for Army, Navy and Air Force and other audits

8      Audit of Border Road Organization  

9      Audit of Defence Estate Organisation


Suggested Readings:


1.     For MoD, Army, Navy and Air Force:

2.     for Inter-Service Organisations:

(This is the annual report wherein the Ministry mentions briefly the functions of the Inter-Service Organisations. The candidates can also refer the latest Annual Reports on the website) 

3.     Financial Attest Audit Manual issued by C&AG of India

4.     Defence Audit Code.

5.     Regulations of Military Engineering Services,

6.     Unit Accountant’s Manual (AAO’s MES Manual)

7.     Defence Accounts Department OM Part VI- Vol I,II and III 8.Defence Audit Department Manual Vol I,II III and IV,

9.     Army Local Audit Manual (Part –I Vol I,II and III). 

10.  IAFW 2249 Conditions of Contract for MES, Defence Works Procedure

11.  Factory Accounting Rules 

12.  Air Force Local Audit Manual and Naval Local Audit Manual

13.  Store Accounting Instructions

14.  INBR 12, Naval Store Keeping Instructions

15.  IAP 501, Indian Air Force Equipment Regulations

16.  Military Land Manual

17.  Cantonment Act and Laws






PC18: Postal Audit (Post & Telecom Audit)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                   Maximum, Marks: 100


Auditing Rules & Regulations  


A.  Provisions of C&AG’s Manual of Standing Orders (Audit)

1.  Function of the C&AG of India (Section-I)

2.  General Principles and Practices of Audit (Section-II, Chapter 1-6)

3.  Supplementary Audit Instructions (Section-III, Chapter 1-24) 

4.  General Instructions regarding Inspection & Local Audit (Section-VI, Chapter 1) 5. Results of Audit (Section-VII, Chapters 1 to 4)


B.  Provisions of P&T Audit Manual (Concurrent Audit)

1.Organization and Functions of P&T Audit wing under the C&AG of India 

2.     General Instructions regarding audit of DoP Accounts

3.     Establishment Audit of Circle, Postal Accounts office

4.     Pension Audit

5.     Audit of PAOs   

6.     Appropriation Audit 

7.     Finance Accounts and Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts 

8.     Remittance Audit 

9.     Custom Duty 

10.  Audit of Money Orders

11.  Audit of Indian Postal Orders

12.  Audit of Post Office savings certificates   


C.  Provisions of Financial Attest Audit Manual                                                     

D.  Provisions of Post Office Savings Bank Manual Vol I                                      E. Provisions of Post Office Savings Bank Manual Vol II

F.    Audit of Financial Services:

International Money Transfer, Distribution of Mutual Funds and Electronic

Fund Transfer for the UTI, HDFC and IDBI Banks, Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI)  

G.    Audit of Value Added Service (VAS):

Speed Post, Media Post, Data, Speed Post Passport Service, Flat rate parcel,       

Business    parcel, ePayment, CENVAT Credit etc,  Express Parcel, Speed Net, Dedicated Freight Aircraft, Logistic Post, Retail Services for Business product like Railway Tickets, Gold Coin, Foreign Exchange, Bill Collection, Insurance Premium Collection, sale of application forms, Pre-Mailing Services etc.




H.   Audit of Technology Developments:

Computer based Multipurpose Counter Machines (MPCMs), Transmission of Money Order through Satellite, Hybrid Mail and Corporate Money Order Services and Automatic Mail Processing System (AMPS), Computerized Services, Online Tracking, Electronic Clearance for Automatic Transfer of MIS interest into SB account of the bank of choice, Core Banking Solutions for PO Saving Schemes, Mail Network Optimization Project (MNOP), Automatic Mail Processing Centers (AMPC), Print to Post, Remotely managed Franking Machine (RMFM), Project Arrow .


Books Suggested


5.     C&AG’s Manual of Standing Orders (Audit)

6.     P&T Audit Manual (Concurrent Audit)

7.     Financial Attest Audit Manual of C&AG of India

8.     Post Office Savings Bank Manual Vol. I

9.     P.O Savings Bank Manual Vol. II

10.  Post Office Small Savings Schemes-Part-ONE, ONE-A, TWO, THREE and FOUR by Shri A.N. Dureja, ADG (Retd.), P&T Accounts and Finance Service (Latest Edition)

11.  Instructions /Orders issued by DOP from time to time for operation and accounting of VAS, Financial Services and Technological Changes.

12.  Blue Book on Project Arrow







PC19: Railway Traffic Revenue

(Railway Audit)


     Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100


Provision of following Acts/Rules/Codes/Manuals/Handbooks/orders

A.     C&AG MSO (Audit), Section II, Chapter III

B.      Indian Railway Code for Traffic Department (Commercial)

1.       Organisation and functions of the Commercial Department (Chapter I)

2.       Rates and fares (Chapter II)

3.       Claims for compensation and for refund of overcharges (Chapter III)

4.       Claims for compensation other than those relating to loss etc. of goods and powers of General Manager's for making ex-gratia payment to persons involved in accidents to trains (Chapter IV)

5.       Railway User's Consultative Council and Committees (Chapter V)

6.       Amenities for Railway Users' (Chapter VI)

7.       Catering and Vending Services (Chapter VII)

8.       Inter modal transport (Chapter VIII)

9.       Ticketless Travel its check and prevention (Chapter IX)

10.    Station outstanding (Chapter X)

11.    Wharfage and demurrage (Chapter XI)

12.    Mode of payment of railway Freight and other Railway dues (Chapter XII)

13.    Registration of indents allotment and supply of wagons (Chapter XIV)

14.    Postal Traffic (Chapter XVI)

15.    City booking offices and out agencies (Chapter XVII)

16.    Sidings (Chapter XVIII)

17.    Miscellaneous (Chapter XIX)


C.     Indian Railway Commercial Manual Vol I 

1.       Introductory(Chapter I)

2.       Passenger Tickets (Chapter II)

3.       Admission to Platforms and Carriage of Passengers(Chapter III)

4.       Warrants, Concession Orders, High Official Requisitions and Free Passes, etc. (Chapter IV)

5.       Check and Collection of Passenger Tickets(Chapter V)

6.       Reservation of berths, seats and compartments and booking of Special Trains(Chapter VI)

7.       Initial Accounts and returns for Passenger Traffic(Chapter VII)

8.       Booking and delivery of passengers' luggage(Chapter VIII)

9.       Booking, Conveyance and Delivery of Parcels Traffic(Chapter IX)

10.    Booking of Animals and Birds(Chapter X)

11.    Booking of Certain Valuable Articles(Chapter XI) 12.Miscellaneous Traffic(Chapter XII)

13.Initial Coaching Books and Returns(Chapter XIII)


D.     Indian Railway Commercial Manual Vol II

1.       Booking of Goods Traffic (Chapter XIV)

2.       Loading of Goods (Chapter XV)

3.       Clearance of Traffic in 'Smalls' and Working of Repacking and Transhipment Sheds (Chapter XVI)

4.       Unloading and re-weighment of Inward Goods (Chapter XVII)

5.       Delivery, Rebooting and Diversion of Goods (Chapter XVIII)

6.       Railway Materials and Stores (Chapter XIX)

7.       Initial Books and Returns in connection with Goods Traffic (Chapter XX)

8.       Claims for Compensation and for Refunds of Overcharges (Chapter XXI)

9.       Loss of Property and Unclaimed (Chapter XXII)

10.    Handling of Goods, Parcels, etc. (Chapter XXIII)

11.    Traffic Receipts and Remittances (Chapter XXIV)

12.    Sidings (Chapter XXV)

13.    Out-Aggrades, City Booking Offices and other Ancillary services (Chapter XXVI)

14.    Station Outstanding (Chapter XXVII)

15.    Catering and Vending Services, Contractual Gesturing and Vending, Departmental Catering and Vending (Chapter XXVIII)

16.    Commercial and Accounts Inspections (Chapter XXIX)

17.    Miscellaneous (Chapter XXX)

18.    Responsibilities of Railway administration as carriers of goods (Chapter XXXI)


E.      Indian Railway Code for Accounts Department Part II

1.       Check of traffic earnings- Introductory (Chapter XX)

2.       Check of passenger traffic earnings (Chapter XXI)

3.       Check of other coaching traffic earnings (Chapter XXII)

4.       Check of goods traffic earnings (Chapter XXIII)

5.       Refund of unclaimed overcharges and check of refund lists overcharge sheets and compensation claims (Chapter XXIV)

6.       Check of out/city booking agencies/jtbs/ytsk bills (Chapter XXV)

7.       Check of terminal tax on goods and parcels (Chapter XXVI)

8.       Check of station balance sheets (Chapter XXVII)

9.       Accounts office debits and their clearance (Chapter XXVIII)

10.    Carriage bills and the accounts office balance sheet (Chapter XXIX)

11.    Check of handling bills (Chapter XXX)

12.    Accounts of worked lines including private and non-government railway (Chapter XXXI)

13.    The traffic book (Chapter XXXII)

14.    Inspection of station accounts(Chapter XXXIII)

15.    Check of traffic relating to railway materials and stores(Chapter XXXIV)

F.      Indian Railways Finance Code Vol II

1.       Classification of Revenue Expenditure (Appendix-I)

2.       Classification of Capital and Other Works Expenditure ( Appendix-II)

3.       Classification of Earnings (Appendix-III)

G.     IRCA Tariffs – Coaching, Goods, Military, Red Tariff - all Parts and volumes

H.     IRCA Conference Rules

I.       Handbook on Traffic Costing – Railway Board’s publication

J.       Instructions issued by Railway Board in 1994 for standard method to calculate profitability of a Passenger Train.

K.     Railway Act 1989

L.      Railway Audit Manual 

1.     Audit of Earnings (Local Traffic) (Chapter XII)

2.     Audit of Earnings (Through Traffic) (Chapter XIII)

Note:  In case of tariffs, the publications in force of the previous financial year will be the text books in respect of ‘Railway Traffic Revenue’


Suggested readings:

1.       C&AG MSO (Audit), 2002

2.       Indian Railway Code for Traffic Department (Commercial)

3.       Indian Railway Commercial Manual Vol.I& II

4.       Indian Railway Code for Accounts Department Part II

5.       Indian Railway Finance Code Vol.II

6.       IRCA Tariffs – Coaching, Goods, Military, Red Tariff – all parts and volumes

7.       IRCA Conference Rules

8.       Handbook on Traffic Costing – Railway Board’s publication

9.       Instructions issued by Railway Board in 1994 for standard method to calculate profitability of a Passenger Train.

10.    Railway Act, 1989

11.    Railway Audit Manual


PC20: Cost Accountancy & Commercial Laws and Corporate Tax

(Commercial Audit)


     Duration 2 hours,                                                       Maximum Marks: 100


A.  Cost Accountancy:        50%

1.     Books of Accounts in Cost Accounting, Cost Accounts Rules & Records

2.     Job Order/Control Costing

3.     Process Costing, Operation Cost and Operating Costing

4.     Marginal Costing, Differential Costs and Cost Volume Profit Relationship

5.     Standard Costing including Variance Analysis 6.Value Analysis, Cost Reduction, Productivity

7.     Product Pricing.

8.     Reconciliation of Costs and Financial Accounts.


B.  Commercial Laws & Corporate Tax :   50%

Provisions of following Acts:

1.     Companies Act, 2013 - Chapter 1 to 4 and chapter 8 to 10 and 12. Rules issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs relating to these Chapters.

2.     The Indian Contract Act, 1872

3.     The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930

4.     Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

5.     Electricity Act, 2003

6.     Road Transport Corporation Act, 1950

7.     Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992and Listing Agreement

8.     Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA)

9.     Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

10.  Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952

11.  Corporate Tax- Income Tax on Companies including Income Computation and Disclosure Standard issued under Income Tax Act 1961



Book Suggested:


1.     Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting By: N. K. Prasad

2.     Direct Taxes Law and Practice, by Vinod K. Singhan

3.     Cost Audit Standards issued by Institute of Cost Accountant of India 4.Income Tax Act 1961






PC-21 Government Accounts

(Civil Accounts),


      Duration 2 hours,                                                                        Maximum Marks: 100


1.     Accounting Rules for Treasuries 1992

2.     Account Code for Accountants General

3.     List of Major and Minor Heads of Accounts of Receipts and Disbursements of theCentral and State Governments

4.     Comptroller and Auditor General’s Manual of Standing Orders (A&E) Volume-I

5.     Accounts Code Volume-III

6.     Central Public Works Accounts Code with Appendices First Edition 1993

7.     Book of Forms referred in CPWA Code

8.     Civil Accounts Manual (CAM) issued by Ministry of Finance, Department ofExpenditure, Controller General of Accounts, New Delhi.

· Paragraphs No. 1.2, 1.4, 1.12,

· Chapter 4 -Paragraphs 4.6, 4.7,4.8 and Appendix ‘B’,

· Chapter5 -Paragraph 5.15 and Annexure ‘C’

· Chapter 7 except paragraph. 7.16,

· Chapter 8,

· Chapter 10 -Paragraphs 10.3,10.4,10.9 and Annexure ‘A’,

· Paragraphs 16.1

· Paragraphs 17.7 and 17.10




PC22: Government Audit

(Civil Audit & Local Audit)


     Duration 2 hours,                                                      Maximum, Marks: 100


1.     Provisions of CAG’s Manual of Standing Orders (Audit)

2.     Provisions of Regulation on Audit & Accounts, 2007

3.     Provisions of Auditing Standards issued by the C &AG .

4.     Provisions of Audit Quality Management Framework Guidelines issued by C&AG

5.     Provisions of Performance Audit Guidelines of C&AG .

6.     Provisions of Compliance Audit Guidelines of C&AG .

7.     Financial Attest Audit: Provisions of Financial Attest Audit Manual and Financial Attest Auditing Guidelines for audit of State Government Accounts of C&AG .

8.     Provisions of Manual of Instructions for Audit of Autonomous Bodies of C&AG 

9.     Provisions of Internal Controls Evaluation Manual of C&AG .

10.  Provisions of Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Project Public Auditing Guidelines of C&AG .

11.  Provisions of Environment and Climate Change Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG

12.  .Provisions of Standing Order on Role of Audit in Relation to Cases of Fraud and Corruption issued by C&AG .



Reference Books:

1.      Comptroller & Auditor Generals Manual of Standing Orders (Audit)

2.      Auditing Standards issued by the C&AG of india

3.      Manual of Instructions for Audit of Autonomous Bodies of C&AG of India

4.      Performance Audit Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

5.      Compliance Audit Guidelines issued by  C&AG of India

6.      Financial Attest Audit Manual of C&ÂG of India

7.      Financial Attest Auditing Guidelines for audit of State Government Accounts issued by C&AG of India

8.      Regulation on Audit & Accounts, 2007

9.      Audit Quality Management Framework Guidelines issued by C&AG

10.   Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Project Public Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

11.   Environment and Climate Change Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

12.   Internal Controls Evaluation Manual of C&AG of India

13.   Standing Order on Role of Audit in Relation to Cases of Fraud and Corruption issued by CAG.



PC 23: Contract Audit and Audit Procedures

(Defence Audit)


     Duration 2 hours,                                                       Maximum Marks: 100


Section A: Contract Audit         


Provisions of following Procedures/Manuals/guidelines:

1.             Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP)

2.             Defence Procurement Manual (DPM) II.      

Provisions of the following

1.       Basics of Contract Management and Laws relating to Contracts including General Conditions of Contract (IAFW 2249) 

2.       Contract Management (relevant Chapter of GFR 2017 (VIII of GFR,2005))

3.       Purchase Management in DRDO

4.       Purchase Management in Ordnance Factory Board  

5.       Audit of Contracts 

6.       Laws relating to Contracts and  Arbitration

7.       Basics of  International Banking System including issues relating to Letter of



Section B: Audit Procedures      

Provisions of following Procedures/Manuals/guidelines

1.     Auditing Standards issued by the C &AG of India

2.     Compliance Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

3.     Performance Auditing Guidelines issued by the C&AG of India

4.     Internal Controls Evaluation Manual of C&AG of India

5.     Standing Order on Role of Audit in Relation to Cases of Fraud & Corruption issued by C&AG of India



Suggested Readings

1.     Defence Procurement Procedure

2.     Defence Procurement Manual

3.     Regulations of MES

4.     General Financial Rules, 2017

5.     Purchase Management Manual 2006 DRDO 

6.     Manual for procurement of Plant and Machinery in Ordnance Factories by Ordnance    Factory Board – August 2013

7.     Material Management & Procurement Manual for Ordnance Factories by Ordnance Factory Board- 2010 (effective from 01.04.2011).

8.     Audit of Contracts (Section-III, Ch.7, MSO Audit, 2002)

9.     Indian Contract Act, 1872

10.  Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

11.  Practice Guide on Audit of Contract Management and Procedures by C&AG  of India

12.  Auditing Standards issued by C&AG of India    

13.  Compliance Audit Guidelines  issued by C&AG of India    

14.  Performance Audit Guidelines issued by C&AG of India    

15.  Internal Controls Evaluation Manual issued by C&AG of India

16.  Standing Order on Role of Audit in Relation to Cases of Fraud & Corruption of    C&AG of India


PC24:   Telecom Audit

(Post & Telecom Audit )


     Duration 2hrs,                                                            Maximum Marks: 100


I.               Provisions of Rules, Acts and Policies

A.    Requirement and receipt of funds including process of budgeting and preparation of Outcome Budget/Performance Budget and the General system of Financial Management Budget formulation and implementation.

B.    Revenues and Misc. Receipts as referred to in P&T FHB Vol.- I Chapter- VII

C.    New Telecom Policy 2012 as amended from time to time

D.    TRAI Act, 1997 as amended from time to time

E.    BSNL Accounting policy, Accounting Instructions, Formats of Accounting Records issued from time to time

F.     Procurement, Contract and Laws relating to contract /Arbitration & Conciliation:

Public Procurement Bill, Procurement Manual issued by BSNL Corporate Office, 

CVC Orders issued on procurement made by govt. organizations, Service Tax Act, 1994 as amended from time to time, The Indian Contract Act, 1872 as amended from time to time, Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 as amended from time to time

G.    New Companies Act, 2013 with special emphasis is proposed on the following:

1.     Salient features  including Constitution of Board of Company Law Administration

2.     Provisions pertaining to incorporation, prospectus, Allotment, Share Capital,  issue of shares or debentures, accounts, Books of Accounts, Cash Flow, Loans and Advances, Borrowing and Guarantees, Financial Statements and Schedule III, Consolidated Financial Statements, auditing, Audit of accounts of branch office of company.

3.     Fraud Reporting, Corporate Social Responsibility, 

4.     Board appointments, Restrictions on powers, remuneration, 

5.     Power of Central Govt. to direct companies to furnish information or statistics 6 Schedule VI of Companies Act 2013  



II.            Planning, Works, Commercial Operations & Telephone Revenue Accounts

A.    Planning and Execution of Projects through estimates and related detailed estimates, specification 

B.    Work orders, Measurement Books, Acceptance & Testing, Contractor’s Ledger (Running/Final Bills), Contribution Works, Shifting Works, Capital Bills and Estimating Fee

C.    Assessment of annual requirement of Stores/Materials including valuation of inventories, techniques of inventory of Management – ABC Analysis, VED Analysis ; Procurement, Receipts and Allotment/Distribution of Stores and Accounting; Loss of Stores and damages to BSNL property.

D.    Unserviceable and Surplus Stores/vehicles including sanction of ACE- 9 and ACE- 10 as referred to respective Rules of GFR 2017 and Para 359, 368, 370 P&T Manual Vol. X,. Management of surplus/obsolete stores including recovered stores, disposal and accounting as referred to in P&T FHB Vol. III Pt I & II, P&T Manual Vol. X

E.    Provisions of new connections, Leased Circuits and Wide Area Network, Value Added Service along with their billing and realization and disconnection/closure

F.     Provision of Telecom Installations/facilities on rent and guarantee, licence and royalty basis including cable; Demand Note and Advice Note

G.    Provision, billing and realization of Interconnectivity charges, Access Charges, Port Charges and Infrastructure Sharing Charges, AGR based license fee and spectrum charges from Telecom operators 


III.          Provisions of Acts/guidelines of Audit

A.    Compliance Audit Guidelines  

B.    Auditing Standards issued by C&AG of India

C.    Audit Norms, 2000 issued by DGA (P&T) 

D.    Performance Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

E.    Internal Controls Evaluation Manual of C&AG of India

F.     Standing Order on Role of Audit in Relation to Cases of Fraud & Corruption issued by C&AG of India



Books suggested:

1.      General Financial Rules 2017(relevant Chapters),

2.      Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act 

3.      Outcome/Performance Budget (Government of India’s Orders issued from time to time, P&T Manual Vol – II(Chapter-XII-Budget Estimate and Control), Telecom Accounts and Finance Manual

4.      P&T FHB Vol. – I(Chapter-VII)

5.      New Telecom Policy 2012 

6.      TRAI Act, 1997 

7.      BSNL Accounting Policy, Accounting Instruction, Format of Accounting Records issued in September 2000 and amended from time to time, BSNL Account Code by Shri S Venkataraman

8.      Public Procurement Bill,

9.      Procurement Manual issued by BSNL Corporate Office,  

10.   Central Vigilance Commission’s Orders issued on procurement made by Government Organizations, 

11.   Service Tax Act, 1994 

12.   The Indian Contract Act, 1872 

13.   Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 

14.   General Financial Rules,2017(relevantChapters)(GFR 2005 Chapter 6,7,8)

15.   Companies Act 2013(Relevant Chapters)

16.   P&T FHB Vol. – III (Part- I)(Chapters-III,IV,V,VI ),A handbook on Telecom Projects, Planning and Works by Shri C.V.R Reddy

17.   P&T Manual Vol – X

18.   P&T FHB Vol. – III (Part- II), P&T Manual Vol – X(Para 499), Telecom Tariffs at a glance by Shri S. Venkatraman, Material Management and Inventory Control by

C.V.R Reddy

19.  P&T FHB Vol. – III (Part- I&II), P&T Manual Vol – X, ,GFR,2017(relevant Rules) 

20.  P&T Manual Vol – XII,Compendium of Telecom Revenue and Commercial Orders by Shri S. Venkatraman, Telecom Tariffs at a glance by Shri S. Venkatraman

21.  P&T Manual Vol – IX(Chapter-V and Appendix 4), P&T Manual Vol – X(Chapter VI), P&T FHB Vol. – V, P&T Manual Vol – XIV,(Para 75 to 86)

22.  Regulations issued by TRAI reg. IUC Charges, Port Charges and Infrastructure Sharing Charges, Orders issued by DoT Hqrs. from time to time, Telecom Accounts and Finance Manual, Compendium of Telecom Revenue and Commercial Orders by Shri S. Venkatraman, Telecom Tariffs at a glance by Shri S. Venkatraman

23.  Compliance Audit Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

24.  Auditing Standards issued by C&AG of India

25.  Audit Norms, 2000 issued by DGA (P&T) 

26.  Performance Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

27.  Internal Control Evaluation Manual of C&AG of India

28.  Standing Order on Role of Audit in Relation to cases of Fraud & Corruption issued by C&AG of India.

PC25: Government Audit including Workshops and Stores Audit

(Railway Audit)


       Duration 2 hours,                                                  Maximum Marks: 100


Provisions of following Manuals/Codes/Standards/Guidelines

1.     C&AG MSO (Audit), Section II - Chapter 1, 2, 4 and Section III - Chapter 19, 20, 21, 22 

2.     Auditing Standards issued by the C&AG of India

3.     Indian Railway Code for Mechanical Department (Except Chapter X and XI on Foundry Accounts Saw Mill Accounts)

4.     Indian Railway Code for Stores Department (Vol. I and Vol. II) – All Chapters

5.     Indian Railways Finance Code Vol. II

1.       Classification of Revenue Expenditure (Appendix-I)

2.       Classification of Capital and Other Works Expenditure ( Appendix-II)

3.       Classification of Earnings (Appendix-III)

6.     Indian Railway Code for Engineering Department(Chapter XIV)

7.     Railway Audit Manual

1.       Stores Audit (Chapter XVII)

2.       Workshops Audit (Chapter XVIII)

8.     Performance Auditing Guidelines issued by the C&AG of India

9.     Compliance Auditing Guidelines issued by the C&AG of India

10.  Internal Controls Evaluation Manual of C&AG

11.  Guidelines for Fraud and Corruption issued by C&AG

12.  Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Project Public Auditing Guidelines of




Suggested readings:

1.      C&AG MSO (Audit), 2002 

2.      Auditing Standards issued by C&AG of India

3.      Indian Railway Code for Mechanical Department 

4.      Indian Railway Code for Stores Department, Vol.I& II

5.      Indian Railway Finance Code Vol.II

6.      Indian Railway Code for Engineering Department 

7.      Railway Audit Manual

8.      Performance Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

9.      Compliance Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

10.   Internal Controls Evaluation Manual issued by C&AG of India

11.   Guidelines for Fraud and Corruption issued by C&AG of India

12.   Public Private Partnership in infrastructure Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India

PC 26: Commercial Auditing

(Commercial Audit)


      Duration 2 hours,                                                    Maximum Marks: 100


1.     Nature and Principles of Auditing

2.     Audit of Cash Transactions: Receipts and Payments

3.     Verification of Assets

4.     Audit of Financial Statements

5.     Standards on Auditing issued by ICAI

6.     Provisions of Regulation on Audit and Accounts 2007 issued by CAG 

7.     Provisions of Performance Auditing Guidelines issued by CAG 

8.     Audit of Public Sector Undertaking (Section II, Chapter V of MSO (Audit) 9.Provisions of Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014

10. Special features of Audit of:

a.     Finance Companies

b.     Electricity Companies

c.     Transport Companies

d.     Social Sector/Welfare Companies-Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013

11.  Provisions of Companies Auditors’ Report Order issued under section143 (11) of the Companies Act 2013

12.  Directions issued under Section 143(5) of the Companies Act 2013

13.  Appointment of Statutory and Internal Auditors, their Rights, Duties, Powers       Remuneration, Joint Auditors, Branch Auditors

14.  Audit Committee: Constitution, Powers and Duties.

15.  Internal Audit, Statutory Audit and Government Audit

16.  Corporate Governance:  Clause 49 of SEBI and Provisions of Companies Act 2013

17.  Role of Committee on Public Undertaking

18.  Internal Controls Evaluation Manual of C&AG . 19.Manualon Financial Attest Audit,of C&AG

20.  Compliance Audit Guidelinesof C&AG.

21.  Standing Order on Role of Audit in Relation to Cases of Fraud and Corruption issued by C&AG of  India

22.  Audit of Public Private Partnership projects with special emphasis on Concessionaire agreements and sharing of revenue 


Reference books


1      Contemporary Auditing by Kamal Gupta

2      Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Projects Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India .

3      Regulation on Audit and Accounts 2007 issued by C&AG of India.

4      Performance Auditing Guidelines issued by C&AG of India.

5      Companies Auditors’ Report Order 2016

6      Internal Controls Evaluation Manual of C&AG of India.

7      Financial Attest Audit Manual of C&AG of India.

8      Compliance Audit Guidelines of C&AG of India.

9      Standing Order on Role of Audit in Relation to Cases of Fraud and Corruption issued by C&AG of  India























PC 27: Local Paper - Acts of Legislature and Statutory Rules,

Audit and Inspection ofAccounts of Local Funds

(West Bengal)


      Duration 2 hours                                                     Maximum Marks: 100


A-   Provisions relating to Panchayati Raj Institution in following Acts/ Rules :30 marks


1      The West Bengal Panchayat Act 1973, with amendments

2      The West Bengal Panchayat (Gram Panchayat Audit, Accounts and Budget) Rules 2007

3      The West Bengal Panchayat (ZP and PS) Accounts and Financial Rules 2003.

4      The West Bengal Panchayat (Budget and Appropriation of Fund) Rules, 1996.


B-    Provisions relating to Urban Local Bodies in following Acts/ Rules:        30 marks


1.     The West Bengal Municipal Act 1993 with amendment.

2.     The West Bengal Municipal (Finance &Accounting) Rules, 1999 under the WestBengal Municipal Act 1993.

3.     The Kolkata Municipal Corporation Act 1980 with up to date amendments 

4.     The Calcutta Improvement Act 1911.

5.     Accounting Manual for Urban Local Bodies

Part I Introduction to Double Entry Accrual-based accounting

Part II Accounting Principles

Part III Guidelines for preparation of Opening Balance Sheet


C-   Provisions of auditing Standards, Guidelines and Manualsetc:                    20 marks


1.     73rd and 74thAmendments to the Constitution and details thereof.

2.     Latest recommendations of Central Finance Commission so far as these relate to Local Bodies only.

3.     Auditing Standards for Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies-issued by the C&AG of India.

4.     Manual of Instruction for Audit of PRIs issued by the C&AG of India in December2002.

5.     Manual of the Local Audit Department West Bengal, Audit of Urban Local Bodies

6.     Manual of the Local Audit Department West Bengal, Audit of Panchayati Raj



D-   Provisions of following Rules/Codes /Acts/ Manuals etc. of the State Government:

                                                                                               20 marks


1.     West Bengal Service Rules, Part-I- Rules 5 (10), 5 (17), 5 (40), 29 to 65.

2.     West Bengal Service Rules Part-II-Rules 4,11, 22, to 86, 88, 89, 93, 94, 99 to 107, 109-114, 116,

154 to 161, 165 to 167 Appendix 1 (paragraph 4, 6 and 7), Appendix 8.

3.     West Bengal Financial Rules, Vol. I – Rules 22, 47, 164 to 196, 425 to 428

4.     Latest recommendations of State Finance Commission as a whole  5.The West Bengal Primary Education Act 1973 with amendments

6.     The Calcutta University Act 1979 with amendments.

7.     The Jadavpur University Act 1981 with amendments.

8.     The Bidhan Chandra KrishiViswavidyalaya Act 1974 with amendments 

9.     General      Financial          and       Accounting       Regulations,       Bidhan Chandra


10.  Calcutta University First Statutes 1979 and First Ordinances(Accounts Portion) 11.Jadavpur University Rules,1972


Reference Books:


1.     The West Bengal Panchayat Act 1973, with amendments 

2.     The West Bengal Panchayat (Gram Panchayat Audit,Accounts and Budget) Rules 2007

3.     The West Bengal Panchayat (ZP and PS) Accounts and Financial Rules 2003

4.     The West Bengal Panchayat (Budget and Appropriation of Fund) Rules, 1996

5.     The West Bengal Municipal Act 1993 with amendment

6.     The West Bengal Municipal (Finance &Accounting) Rules, 1999

7.     The Kolkata Municipal Corporation Act 1980 with up to date amendments

8.     The Calcutta Improvement Act 1911

9.     Accounting Manual for Urban Local Bodies

10.  73rd and 74thAmendments to the Constitution and details thereof

11.  Latest recommendations of Central Finance Commission so far as these relate to Local Bodies only

12.  Auditing Standards for Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies-issued by the C&AG of India

13.  Manual of Instruction for Audit of PRIs issued by the C&AG of India in December2002

14.  Manual of the Local Audit Department West Bengal, Audit of Urban Local Bodies

15.  Manual of the Local Audit Department West Bengal, Audit of Panchayati Raj Institutions

16.  West Bengal Service Rules, Part-I

17.  West Bengal Service Rules Part-II

18.  West Bengal Financial Rules, Vol. I

19.  Latest recommendations of State Finance Commission as a whole 20.The West Bengal Primary Education Act 1973 with amendments

21.  .The Calcutta University Act 1979 with amendments.

22.  The Jadavpur University Act 1981 with amendments.

23.  The Bidhan Chandra KrishiViswavidyalaya Act 1974 with amendments 

24.  General Financial and Accounting Regulations, Bidhan Chandra


25.  Calcutta University First Statutes 1979 and First Ordinances(Accounts Portion)

26.  Jadavpur University Rules1972.






PC 28 :Local Paper – Audit and Inspection of Accounts of PRIs and ULBs, Universities and Miscellaneous Funds (Bihar)  






PC29 : Local Paper - Audit and Inspection of Accounts of PRIs and ULBs, Universities and Miscellaneous Funds (Jharkhand)







Note :In all the papers of SAS wherever there is reference to the rules and regulations, the ‘cut off date’ for changes/amendments would be as on 1st April of the previous year.


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