
Paper Code


Paper code wise study material


Name of Exam: CPD

C- 1 Financial Management (CPD-I Paper-1)

C- 2 Accounting and Auditing Principles & Standards (CPD-I Paper-2)

C- 3 Public Finance (CPD-II Paper-1)

C- 4 Auditing Method & Techniques (CPD-II Paper-2)

C - 5 General Studies & Current Eco Developments (CPD-III Paper-1)

C - 6 Information Systems Audit (CPD-III Paper-2)

Name of Exam: Incentive Exam

IE1: Management Accounting

IE2: Finance (Revised) and Appropriation Accounts

IE3: Information Technology (Theory)

IE4: Information Technology (Practical)

   Revenue Audit Examination for AAO/ AO /Sr. AO

RAE-1: - Income Tax (common to all Branches), 

RAE-2: Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax (Civil/Coml. Audit),

RAE 3: Railway Audit (Traffic)

RAE-4: Local Audit - West Bengal. 

RAE-5: Local Audit- -Bihar,

RAE-6:  Local Audit –Jharkhand,

RAE-7: ESM and SD Audit

RAE-8:  Defence Audit,

RAE-9:  P& T Audit

RAE-10- State Revenue (Civil Audit branch)

Revised Syllabus for Subordinate Audit/ Accounts Service (SAS) Examination Group-I (all branches)

PC 1: Language Skill (for all branches)

PC 2: Logical, Analytical and Quantitative Abilities (All branches)

PC 3: Information Technology (Theory) (all branches)

PC 4: Information Technology (Practical) (all branches)

PC 5: Constitution of India, Statutes and Service Regulations

PC 6: Constitution of India, statutes and Defence Service Regulations. (Defence Audit)

PC 7: Constitution of India Statutes, Service Regulations, including related accounts /audit procedures (Railway Audit)


Revised Syllabus for SAS Audit/ Accounts Services Exam Group-II

PC-8: Financial Rules and Principles of Government Accounts (Civil Accounts, Civil Audit and Local Audit)

PC-9: Financial Rules and Principles of Defence Accounts.(Defence Audit)

PC-10: Financial Rules and Principles of Postal Accounts (P&T Audit)

PC-11: Financial Rules, Principles of Govt. Accounts/Audit & Works Expenditure (Railway Audit)

PC-12:  Financial Rules and Principles of Govt. Accounts and CPWA (Commercial Audit)

PC-13 Accountancy (Civil Accounts)

PC-14: Financial Accounting with Elementary Costing (Civil Audit, Local Audit, Defence Audit, Railway Audit & P&T Audit)

PC-15: Advanced Accounting (Commercial Audit)

PC-16: Public Works Accounts (Civil Accounts, Civil Audit & Local Audit)

PC-17: Defence Audit (Defence Audit)

PC-18: Postal Audit (Post & Telecom Audit)

PC-19: Railway Traffic Revenue (Railway Audit)

PC-20: Cost Accountancy & Commercial Laws and Corporate Tax (Commercial Audit)

PC-21 Government Accounts (Civil Accounts),

PC-22: Government Audit (Civil Audit & Local Audit)

PC-23: Contract Audit and Audit Procedures (Defence Audit)

PC-24: Telecom Audit (Post & Telecom Audit )

PC-25: Government Audit including Workshops and Stores Audit (Railway Audit)

PC-26: Commercial Auditing (Commercial Audit)

PC-27: Local Paper - Acts of Legislature and Statutory Rules, Audit and Inspection of Accounts of Local Funds (West Bengal)





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