
MCQ on provision of regulation on audit and accounts 2007 CPD-2 PC-22

 MCQ on provision of regulation on audit and accounts 2007 CPD-2 PC-22

CPD – Paper II

MCQs in Regulation of Audit & Accounts


The Regulation on Audit and Accounts was made by C&AG of India under the powers conferred on him by _____________of C&AGs (DPC) Act, 1971.

(a)Section 20    

(b)Section 21

(c)Section 23

(d)Section 24



The Regulation on Audit and Accounts were made by C&AG of India in the year





Regulation 1(1)/Chapter 1




The Regulation of Audit & Accounts shall apply to

(a)Officers and staff of IA&AD

(b) All Ministries and Department of the Union /State/Union Territory Governments

(c)Bodies, Authorities and Enterprises to which the audit or accounts jurisdiction of the C&AG of India extend

(d)All of the above

R 1(2)/chapter 1



Audit Department or Audit Institution means:-

The offices of the IA&AD under C&AG of India responsible for audit under the constitution and the Act.

R 2(7)/Chapter 1



Audit Board means:-

The Audit Board constituted by the C&AG for performance audits of Central Public Sector Undertakings.

R 2(6)/Chapter 1



Audit entity means:-

An office, authority, body, company, corporation or any other entity subject to audit by C&AG of India.

R 2(8)/Chapter 1



Audit mandate means:-

The authority of the C&AG of India for audit under Constitution of India and the Act and includes audit entrusted by the Government under the Act.

R 2(9)/Chapter 1



Audit memorandum means:-

A memorandum or letter issued during the course of audit for eliciting information, confirmation of facts or any other matter considered necessary by the Audit Officer conducting the audit.

R 2(10)/Chapter 1


Audit note means:-

A note issued by an Audit office containing the result of audit with respect to data, information or documents available in an Audit or Accounts office.

R 2(11)/Chapter 1



Audit office means:-

An office of the C&AG of India responsible for audit.

R 2(12)/Chapter 1



Audit report of the C&AG of India means:-

The report of C&AG of India under Article 151 of the Constitution of India or under Section 19A of the Act or Section 49 of Union Territory Act 1963.

R 2(14)/Chapter 1



Audit review committee means:-

A committee constituted by an AG(Audit) for finalisation of performance audits of State Public Sector Enterprises.

R 2(15)/Chapter 1



Auditing Standard means:-

The auditing standards issued by C&AG of India unless the context otherwise requires

R 2(16)/Chapter 1



Accounts office means:-

An office of the C&AG of India responsible for compilation of accounts from the initial & subsidiary accounts rendered by treasuries and offices responsible for keeping of such accounts and for entitlement work of Government and other categories of employees.

R 2(3)/Chapter 1



Entitlement for the purpose of “Regulation on audit and accounts” means:-

Function relating to pay, provident fund or pension and related work which the C&AG of India is to perform under Article 149 of the Constitution of India and the Act.

R 2(18)/Chapter 1



Government company means:-

A Government company as defined under Section 617 of the Companies Act 1956

R 2(20)/Chapter 1



Deemed Government Company means:-

A company covered under Section 619B of the Companies Act 1956

R 2(21)/Chapter 1



Inspection report means:-

A report issued by an audit office containing the results of audit of an office.

R 2(24)/Chapter 1




Major irregularity means:-

A suspected material fraud or corruption coming to the notice in audit or an irregularity of serious nature involving public funds or irregularity relating to mismanagement, loss, wasteful expenditure or loss of revenue which exceeds the monetary limit prescribed by C&AG of India.

R 2(26)/Chapter 1



Separate audit report means:-

An audit report containing audit observation on the accounts of an authority, body or corporation whether or not required to be laid before the legislature.

R 2(29)/Chapter 1



C&AGs authority to inspect any office of accounts under the control of union is derived from ______ of C&AGs (DPC)act.


(a)Section 13 (b) Section 14 (c) Section 18  (d) Section 19



Under sec 18 read with sec 2 (e) of DPC act the C&AG has the authority to

(a)to inspect any office of accounts under the control of a Union Territory having a legislative assembly (b) to require that any accounts , books, papers and other documents which deal with or form the basis of or are otherwise relevant to the transactions to which his duties in respect of audit extend, shall be sent to such place as he may appoint his inspection and (c) to put such questions or make such observations as he may consider necessary to the person in charge of the office and to call for such information as he may require for the preparation of any account or report which it is his duty to prepare (d) all of the above

R 6/Chapter 2



Auditors should ordinarily not become members of management committees

(a) True (b) False

R 7/Chapter 2



The scope and extent of audit shall be determined by the C&AG of India under which section of DPC Act?

(a)Section 10 (b) Section 13 (c) Section 19 A  (d) Section 23

R 12/Chapter 3



The C&AG of India is the sole authority to decide the scope and extent of audit to be conducted by him or on behalf of him

(a) True (b) False

R 13 (1)/Chapter 3



The C&AG of India undertakes audit which are broadly categorised as

(a)Financial  audit, compliance audit and Performance audit

(b) Civil audit, commercial audit, railway audit and P&T audit

(c) Receipt audit, expenditure audit and grant audit

(d) all of the above

R 13 (2)/Chapter 3



The power to dispense with detailed audit of any accounts or transaction is derived by C&AG of India under ____________ of DPC act.

(a)Section 22 (b) Section 23 (c) Section 24  (d) Section 25

R 15/Chapter 3



Audit will be conducted

i) In the Audit Office

ii) In the office of the Auditable entity

iii) At the site where the relevant records for audit are available

iv) At such place as may be decided by audit.


A.      (i) & (ii) above

B.      (i) (ii) & (iii) above

C.       (ii) (iii) & (iv) above

D.      (i) to (iv) above




A request for the special Audit shall be given due consideration by C &AG or any other Officer so authorised if the request for such audit of a programme , project or organisation is made with the approval of the

A.      Cabinet secretary 

B.      Secretary of the concerned department

C.       Minister concerned

D.      None




Auditing standards will apply to

(i) the individual auditor (ii)the audit department (iii) the auditee organisation

(iv)the head of the auditee organisation


A.      (i)) above

B.      (i) (ii) above

C.       (i) (ii) (iii)) above

D.      (i) (ii) and (iv) above

R.20 (2)/Chap.4



Auditing standards shall, interalia, include the following

(i) basic postulates (ii) general standards  (iii) field standards (iv)reporting standards


(a) (i)) above

(b) (i) (ii) above

(c) (i) (ii) (iii)) above

(d) (i) (ii) (iii)and (iv) above

R 22/Chapter 4




Under the constitution of India, it is the duty of the C&AG of India to audit and report on the accounts of the

(a) Union Government

(b) Governments of each State

(c) Government of Union Territory having legislative assembly

(d) all of the above

R 33/Chapter 5



The C&AG of India examines both the appropriation accounts and finance accounts of the Union, each State and each Union Territory having a legislative assembly but certifies only the appropriation accounts.

(a) True (b) False

R 34/Chapter 5



Excess or savings are shown in

(i) appropriation accounts (ii) finance accounts

(a) (i)) above

(b) (ii) above

(c) both (i) (ii)  above

(d) neither (i) or (ii) above

R 36/Chapter 5



A consolidated statement of all orders of re-appropriation and surrender of funds issued during a financial year shall be sent to the audit office and the accounts office so as to reach within__________after the close of the financial year.

(a)15 days

(b)one month

(c)two months

(d) three months

R 38/Chapter 5



Reasons for any excess or shortfall in expenditure beyond the limits prescribed for the purpose under any unit of appropriation shall be furnished by Government departments to

(i) the audit office (ii) the accounts office

(a) (i) above

(b) (ii) above

(c) both (i) (ii)  above

(d) neither (i) or (ii) above

R 40/Chapter 5



C&AG is authorised to audit all expenditure from consolidated fund of India and of a state and of a Union Territory having a legislative assembly under __________ of DPC act.

(a) Section 13

(b) Section 14

(c) Section 15

(d) Section 16

R 48/Chapter 6




Authority for C&AG to audit all transaction of the Union and of the State and Union Territorys relating to contingency funds and Public accounts is derived from ________ of DPC Act.

(a) Section 2 (e)

(b) Section 2 (e) r/w Section 13

(c) Section 13

(d) None of the above

R 48/Chapter 6



C&AG is authorised  to audit all receipts of the GOI and of Government of each State and of each Union Territory having a legislative assembly under ________ of DPC Act.

(a) Section 13

(b) Section 14

(c) Section 15

(d) Section 16

R 53/Chapter 6



C&AGs power to audit and report on the accounts of the stores and stock kept in any office or department of the Union is derived from

(a) Section 15

(b) Section 16

(c) Section 17

(d) Section 18

R 59/Chapter 6



C&AGs power to audit and report on the accounts of the stores and stock kept in any office or department of the Union Territory having a legislative assembly is derived from

(a) Section 17

(b) Section 17 r/w sec 2(e)

(c) Section 19

(d)  Section 19 r/w sec 2(e)

R 59/Chapter 6


(Note for the guidance of candidates: Stores & Stock audit of the Union is under section 17.  Stores & Stock audit in respect of Union Territory having a Legislature is conducted under section 17 r/w Sec.2(e))


The accounts of stores and stock shall be kept in the manner prescribed by C&AG of India in consultation with the Union Government

(a) True (b) False

R 60/Chapter 6




Audit of stores and stock is primarily and extension of audit of expenditure. Additionally it involves verifying that adequate and sound systems and procedure are in place and complied with for:-

1. establishment of the need for procurement of stores;

2. proper assessment of requirement of stores, including, where applicable, determination of reserve stock limits;

3. authorisation of procurement of stores;

4. procurement of stores in a cost effective manner in accordance with the prescribed systems and procedures;

5. receipt, inspection, custody, issue and accounting of stores including appropriate segregation of duties of personnel and reconciliation of store accounts with books of accounts;

6. verification of physical balances at prescribed intervals, and reconciliation and resolution of discrepancies between physical balances and balances as per the records without delay and

7. identification of obsolete and surplus stores, their disposal by way of sale and/ or transfer to other units, divisions etc. and accounting of corresponding receipts, or write off after proper investigation.

(Note: The above may be asked for True or False)                                        R.61(Chap.6)



Before commencing detailed work of performance audit, the AG(Audit) shall hold an entry conference with:-

(a)Chief Secretary to the Government


(c) Secretary to the Government of the concerned Department

(d)  Additional Secretary to the Government of the concerned Department

R 73/Chapter 7



Discussion at the entry conference shall, interalia, include

(a)Scope and coverage of audit

(b)Audit objectives and criteria

(c) Proposed techniques of evidence collection

(d)  Overall time frame

(e) Tentative time schedule

(f) All of the above

R 74/Chapter 7



The audit of bodies and authorities, other than Government establishments and companies, by C&AG is governed by the provision contained in

(a) Section 14, 15 & 20 of the DPC Act

(b) Section 14,15,19(1),19(2) and 19(3) of the DPC Act

(c) Section 14,15,19(2) and 19(3), 19 A and 20 of the DPC Act

(d)  Section 14,15,19(1),19(2) and 19(3), 20 of the DPC Act

R 78/Chapter 8




The expression “Body” in the DPC Act includes

(a)A co-operative society

(b)A society

(c) A club

(d) A Non-Government Organisation

(e)  all of the above

R 79/Chapter 8



The provision of section 18 of DPC Act do not apply to bodies and authorities that are under the audit jurisdiction of the C&AG

(a) True (b) False

R 80/Chapter 8



Section 14(1) of the DPC act authorises the C&AG to audit the receipts and expenditure of a body or authority if

(a)the amount of Government grant or loan paid to it in a financial year is not less than Rs 25 lakh

(b)the amount of such grant or loan is not less than 75% of its total expenditure during the year

R 82(1)/Chapter 8



Section 14 (2) of the Act empowers the C&AG to audit all receipts and expenditure of a body or authority if the amount of Government grant or loan to the body or authority in a financial year is not less than

Rs one crore

R 82(2)/Chapter 8



Where a body of authority is audited under Section 14(1) or 14(2) for a particular year, than C&AG is empowered to continue to audit that body or authority for a further period of

(a) one year

(b) two years

(c) three years

(d) none of the above

R 82(3)/Chapter 8



Government departments and other officers empowered to sanction grants or loans to any body or authority shall

(i) endorse a copy of each letter of sanction of grant or loan to the audit office;

(ii) mention in the sanction, the amount of the budgeted expenditure of the body and/or authority and

(iii) ensure that the assisted body or authority makes available all the relevant records to the audit officer for audit, wherever and whenever necessary, and that a requirement to this effect is incorporated in the letter of sanction to the grant and/or loan.

R 83/Chapter 8




For arriving at the quantum of Government assistance for the purpose of ascertaining auditability under section 14 of DPC Act

(i) the aggregate of the amounts of grants and laons paid to a body or authority shall be reckoned together;

(ii)the amounts of grants and loans paid to a body or authority by the Union Government, the State Governments and the Union Territory shall be aggregated and

(iii) the amounts of grants and loans paid during a year shall include any amounts remaining unspent out of grants and loans paid to the body or authority during preceding years but not refunded to the Government.

R85/Chapter 8



The result of audit under section 14 or 15 shall be communicated to the

(i) Chief executive officer of the body or authority

(ii)Department of the Government that paid the grant or loan to the body or authority

(a) (i) above only

(b) both (i) and (ii) above

(c) (ii) above only

(d)none of the above

R 87/Chapter 8



Audit of a body or authority receiving loan or grant for a specific purpose from the consolidated fund of India or of a State or of a Union Territory having a legislative assembly is done under section ____ of DPC Act.

(a)Section 14(1)

(b)Section 14(2)

(c)Section 15

(d)Section 19

R 88/Chapter 8



Provision of Section 19(1), 19(2) and 19(3)

Section 19(1):Audit of Government companies

Section 19(2):Audit of corporations established by or under law made by parliament

Section 19(3):Audit of corporation established by or under law made by the legislature of State/Union Territory

R 91&105/Chapter 8



Every corporation that is subject to audit by C&AG shall send copies of agenda notes and minutes of the meeting of its governing body to the

(a)AG(Audit) concerned

(b)AG(A&E) concerned

(c)CAG of India

(d)None of the above

R 93/Chapter 8




In addition to the financial audit of accounts of a corporation, the CAG of India may conduct any other type of audit including the following:-

(i) test check of transactions entered into by the corporation with a view to examining their legality, competence and propriety and report on cases of infraction, waste, mismanagement, frauds and other irregularities and

(ii) performance audit with a view to ascertaining the extent to which the corporation operates economically, efficiently and effectively for the achievement of the stated objectives.

R 95(1) /Chapter 8



The scope of performance audit of a corporation may extend to more than one financial year

(a) True (b) False

R 95(2) /Chapter 8



The normal time limit for communicating reply to draft SAR by the CEO of the corporation shall be

(a)one week

(b)two weeks

(c)15 days

(d)one month

R 98 /Chapter 8



The AG (Audit) shall send the audit certificate and the SAR of  a corporation to the

Ans: Secretary to the Government of the department with a copy to the CEO of the Corporation

R 100 /Chapter 8



Audit arrears committee” shall be constituted by a corporation in case a large number of audit observations included in the IRs remain outstanding for more than

(a) 6 months

(b) one year

(c) 2 years

(d) 3 years

R 103 /Chapter 8



The condition prescribed under Section 20(3) of the DPC Act for entrusting the audit of accounts of any body or authority to the C&AG shall be

(i) only if the President or Governor of a state or the Administrator of a Union Territory having a legislative assembly is satisfied that it is expedient to do so in public interest.

(ii) only after giving reasonable opportunity to the concerned body or authority to make representations with regard to the proposal for such audit.

R 106(3) /Chapter 8



The proposal from the Union Government including Union Territory without a legislative assembly to entrust audit of a body or authority to the CAG shall be sent to the

CAG of India

R 108 /Chapter 8




The proposal from State Government or Union Territory having a legislative assembly to entrust audit of a body or authority to the CAG shall be sent to

The concerned AG(Audit)

R 109/Chapter 8



The formation of a new Government Company or a deemed Government company shall be intimated with a copy of its certificate of incorporation to the CAG in writing by the administrative ministry/department within ______ of its incorporation.

(a)15 days

(b)one month

(c)2 months

(d)90 days

R 116/Chapter 9



Where a Government company or a deemed government company ceases to be so, the fact shall be intimated to the CAG by the administrative ministry/department within ______ of such occurrence.

(a)15 days

(b)one month

(c)2 months

(d)90 days

R 116/Chapter 9



The statutory auditor of a Government company or a deemed government company shall be appointed by

(a)Secretary to the Government of the concerned department

(b)CEO of the company

(c)CAG of India

(d)None of the above

R 118/Chapter 9



The total period of appointment including the initial appointment of a statutory auditor shall not ordinarily exceed

(a)two financial years

(b)three financial years

(c)four financial years

(d)five financial years

R 118/Chapter 9



The time limit for the statutory auditor to send acceptance of the audit assignment in writing to the CAG of India shall be

(a)two weeks

(b)three weeks

(c)four weeks

(d)none of the above

R 120/Chapter 9




The CAG of India may terminate the appointment of a statutory auditor before the expiry of the normal tenure for reasonable grounds without giving him an opportunity to make representation against the premature termination

(a) True (b) False

R 121/Chapter 9



The CAG shall conduct a supplementary or test audit of the accounts of a Government company which was already audited by a statutory auditor

(a) True (b) False

R 124(2)/Chapter 9



On completion of the audit of a Government Company, the statutory auditor shall prepare his audit report under the companies Act 1956, and a submit a copy to

(A) the C&AG of India (B) AG (Audit) concerned

(C) AG (A&E) concerned (D) None of the above




A Government company shall make available the balance sheet and P&L account etc. (Called annual accounts) duly adopted by the Board of Directors and audited by the Statutory auditor to the AG (Audit) concerned for timely finalisation and issue of comments by C&AG within :-

Answer: 3 months after the close of the financial year




In case the company is not listed in the Stock exchange then the above time limit may be extended by :-

Answer: One month




Any comments made by the C&AG of India upon or supplement to the audit report on the accounts of the company shall be signed by the AG(Audit) and shall be placed by the management before the annual general meeting of the company at the same time and in the same manner as the audit report of the Statutory auditor




The C&AG may, at his discretion, dispense with supplementary audit of the accounts of the company for any particular year

True or False




The Audit Board for Central PSUs has been established by the C&AG in consultation with

Answer: The Government of India




The Chairperson of the Audit Board is the

Answer: The Dy. C&AG (Commercial)





In the Audit Board, ONE or TWO technical experts in the related field appointed by the administrative ministry in consultation with the C&AG of India may be co-opted as special invitees.




the Audit Board shall function in an advisory and recommendatory capacity

True or False




The quorum for a meeting of the Audit Board shall be

(A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D) None of the above (There shall be no requirement of quorum for the meetings of the Audit Board)





The Audit review committee is established by the C&AG of India for performance audit of State PSUs.




The constitution of Audit Review committee established by C&AG of India for performance audit of State PSUs:-

(i)               AG (Audit) as the Chairperson

(ii)              AG (A&E) or AG (Audit) of a neighbouring State

(iii)             Secretary to the Government of the concerned department as the nominee of the Government.

(iv)             Chief Executive of the PS enterprise as the nominee of the PS enterprise

(v)              An Officer nominated by the Dy.C&AG or Addl. Dy. C&AG (State Commercial) as a representative of the C&AG.

(vi)             State Government has the option to nominate a technical member for expert opinion.

(vii)        The Chairman, may at his discretion, call a special invitee for seeking opinion on technical issues.




In case of both Central and State PS enterprises, the responsibility for settlement of audit observation lies with the management of the company.




'Audit Arrears Committee' consisting of sufficiently senior officers shall be constituted by each company for speedy settlement and clearance of outstanding audit observations, when the audit observations included in the IRs remain outstanding for more than TWO YEARS.




Under Article 243 J and Z of the constitution, the Legislature of a State may, by law, make provisions with respect to the maintenance of accounts and the auditing of such accounts of Panchayat Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies




Who is responsible for the audit of Panchayat Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies?

Answer: The Local fund auditor who is generally an officer of the State Government.



What are the States in which the Examiner of Local Fund Accounts who is an officer of the C&AG is responsible for the audit of Panchayat Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies.

Answer: Bihar, Jharkand and West Bengal




The AG(Audit) will send to the concerned Secretary or Secretaries to the Government by the end of June every year an annual technical inspection report based on the results of audit of Panchayat Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies conducted during the preceding year.




In Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal, the technical inspection report shall be prepared by the Examiner of Local Fund Accounts and countersigned by the AG(Audit)




Scope of auditing in IT environment

The term ‘auditing in IT environment’ encompasses auditing IT systems including those under development, and IT – assisted audits.  Auditing in IT environment is a methodology of audit and can be applied to all types of audit, namely, financial audit, compliance audit and performance audit.




The auditee entity is required to document all charges made in its IT system




Audit evidence used by the audit officer shall normally and as far as possible be documentary including

(i) Electronic records (ii) Photographs (ii) result of any study or survey




HODs shall supply to the audit office a list offices under them as at the end of December so as to reach the audit office before end of January of the following year.




The inspecting officer may hold a meeting with the officer incharge as soon as the work of audit commences to discuss:-

(i) the audit objectives and criteria

(ii) general state of internal control

(iii) areas of focus, concern or high risk identified by audit




Failure to provide data, information and documents

Cases of failure to provide data, information and documents shall be reported by the audit office to the controlling officer and, if considered necessary, the concerned Government for appropriate action and these authorities shall inform the audit office about the action taken within three months of such report(s).




Draft IR

On the completion of audit, the inspecting officer shall prepare a Draft IR



Discussion after the completion of audit

The inspecting officer and the officer incharge shall discuss the draft IR at the close of audit.  A written record signed by both parties shall be kept




The audit may also be conducted with reference to data, information and documents of any auditable entity that may be available in an audit office or an accounts office.




Reply to an audit note or IR shall be sent within ________ of its receipt

(A) 15 days (B) Two weeks (C) Four weeks (D) Six weeks




In the case of an IR relating to PWD, the reply shall be sent thro' the

(A) HOD (B) Next higher authority (C) Secretary to Government (D) Chief Engineer




Copies of important audit observations included in an audit note or an IR shall be sent to the

(A) HOD (B) Next higher authority (C) Secretary to Government (D) None of the above




The AG(Audit) shall intimate every instance of major irregularity detected in audit through a special management letter to the Secretary to Government of the concerned department with a copy to HOD in this six weeks of the instance coming to notice in audit.




A preliminary report confirming or denying the facts of the major irregularity intimated by AG (Audit) shall be sent by the Government with in six weeks




The AG (Audit) may write a management letter to the Secretary to Government of the concerned department by the end of April every year communicating significant observations and conclusions emerging out of audit during the proceeding year.




The Secretary in turn shall inform to AG (Audit) of the action taken within a period of

(A) 1 month (B) 2 months (C) 3 months

R. 201/Chap.14



The form content and time of submission of audit reports shall be decided by the C&AG




AG (Audit) shall send a copy of the proposed observations in the form of a draft paragraph (DP) to the concerned Secretary to Government by name.




Time allowed for communicating the comments, observations and explanation of the Government for the DP shall be

(A) Two weeks (B) Three weeks (C) Four weeks (D) Six weeks



AG (Audit) shall also offer to discuss the DP with the Secretary within that 6 weeks.  A discussion may not be necessary in the case of a draft performance audit report that has been separately discussed with the Secretary at an EXIT conference.




AG(Audit) shall simultaneously send one copy of the DP to the Secretary to the Government, Ministry of Finance or Finance Department, by name.




The reply to the DP shall be sent by the Secretary either signed by him or carrying an indication approval by the Secretary




The reply of the Secretary to Government shall State:-

(a)    whether the department accepts the facts and figures mentioned in the draft paragraph; if not, the reasons supported by the relevant documents and evidence duly authenticated;’

(b)    comments, observations and explanation of the Government on matters included in the draft paragraph;

(c)     Government’s response to suggestions and recommendations made in the draft paragraph;

(d)    Remedial action taken or proposed to be taken; and

(e)    Any other observations or remarks of the department.




The AG (Audit) shall give full consideration to the reply of the Government.  The DP may be modified, settled or may not be included in the AR in the light of the reply.




The duties and powers of C&AG in regard to the accounts of the Union & State Governments are laid down under

(i)                  Article 149 of Constitution

(ii)                Article 150 of Constitution

(iii)               Article 151 of Constitution

(iv)             Section 10 to 12 of DPC Act 1971


(A)    (i) & (iv) above

(B)     (i), (ii) & (iv) above

(C)    (i), (iii) & (iv) above

(D)   (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) above




The authority for C&AG to lay down general principles of Government accounting is derived from

(A)    Article 150 of the Constitution

(B)    Section 10 of DPC Act

(C)     Section 11 of DPC Act

(D)    Section 23 of DPC Act



For the purpose of Sec.23 of the Act, the Government Accounting Rules 1990 shall be deemed to be the general principles of Government accounting

R. 219(1)/Chap.16



All Government departments are required to comply with the general principles of Government Accounting





Government Accounting Standards Advisory Board (GASAB) setup in the O/o the C&AG with the support of the Government of India is responsible for making  recommendations regarding accounting standards to be observed in Government departments & organizations




GASABs Chairperson – Dy.C&AG

Its members include – Controller General of Accounts

Controller General of Defense Accounts

Financial Commissioner (Railways)




GASABs responsibility

(i)                  Formulating & proposing standards with a view to improve the usefulness of the financial reports based on the needs of the users of these reports

(ii)                Keeping the standards current and provide guidance on implementation of the same.




GASAB is also entrusted with the responsibility of preparing a frame work and a road map for shift to ACCRUAL accounting




Any authority of AG(Audit) & AG (A&E) under there regulation shall be exercisable by any his supervisor officers or any other officer so authorized by C&AG.




The regulation on Audit of Accounts shall apply to any international assignment relating to audit or accounts taken up by C&AG.





Authority for removal of doubts arising as to the interpretation of any of these regulations on Audit and Accounts

Answer: C&AG of India




Power to modify or relax any provisions of the regulations on Audit and Accounts shall vests with

Answer: C&AG of India



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