
MCQ- Public Expenditure

Choose the most appropriate answer 

1.                 Public Expenditure refers to ...........

(a) Government Expenditure
(b) Private Expenditure

(c) Private Expenditure
(d) None of the above

The major objectives of public expenditure are .......

(a) Economic Growth

(b) Maintenance of Defence

(c) Social Welfare

(d) All of the above

The defense expenditure minimizes the possibility of .....

(a) External threats

(b) Internal threats

(c) Terrorism

(d) All of the above

An empirical law to the effect of growing public expenditure was propounded by

(a) Wagner
(b) Peacock (c) Wiseman
(d) None of these
According to H.C. Adams' public expenditure has to perform the ....

(a) Protective Function
(b) Commercial Function

(c) Developmental Function
(d) All of the above

[Ans: 1. (a), 2. (d), 3. (d), 4. (a), 5. (d)]

Choose the most appropriate answer 

1. Productive debts are utilized for .........

a)     Transfer payments in form of subsidies

b)     They are raised for financing wars

c)     They add to productive capacity of the economy

d)     special incentives to weaker sections

2. External debts can be raised from ...........

(a) Individuals                                                        (b) RBI

(c) Commercial Banks                                        (d) World Bank

3. The treasury bills are issued by RBI on behalf of the government

(a) Short-term public debt       (b) Medium-term public debt 
(c) Long-term public                (d) None of the above

Debts that are repaid at some specific future date are known as

(a) Redeemable debts
(b) Irredeemable debts

(c) Treasury Bill
(d) None of the above
External loans are raised from

(a) IDBI

(c) RBI
           (d) WTO

[Ans: 1. (b), 2. (d), 3. (a), 4. (a), 5. (d)]

Choose the most appropriate answer 

1. The term Fiscal Federalism was introduced by

(a) Musgrave               (b) Oates                         (c) Dalton (d) None of the above

2.     Fiscal federalism deals with .............

a)     The division of governmental functions

b)     Financial relations among levels of government

c)     Proper allocation of Resources

d)     All of the above

3.     The main pillars of institutional framework to deal with centre-state financial relations in

India is .........

(a) Finance Commission
(b) Planning Commission

(c) National Development Council
(d) All of the above
Under Article 246 and Seventh Schedule, List I invest the Union with functions of

(a) National Importance
(b) State Importance

(c) Local Importance
(d) All of the above
Under Article 246 and Seventh Schedule, List II invest the State with functions of

(a) National Importance
(b) Defense

(c) External Affairs
(d) Public Health

[Ans: 1(a), 2. (d), 3. (d), 4. (a), 5. (d)]

True and False 

1.        Money Market deals with long term monetary transactions.

2.       Money market promotes economic growth.

3.       Fall in interest rate cause the rate causes the bond prices also to fall.

4.       Credit rating agencies determine interest rates on debt securities.

5.       Capital Market deals with long term monetary transactions.

6.       A fall in interest rates reduces the demand for bonds in the secondary market.

7.       There exist too many interest rates in the Indian money market.

8.       Increasing Government borrowing will raise interest rates.

9.       Capital market also provides a valuable source of external finance.

10.     Capital market does not provide an effective source of investment in the economy.

[Ans.: True : 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ; False: 1, 3, 4,10]

 true or false:

1.        Money market is a market for lending and borrowing of long-term funds.

2.         The organized money market comes within the direct purview of government regulation.

3.         The organized money market is a single market.

4.         The call rate is determined by demand and supply of short-term funds.

5.         The commercial bill market in India is underdeveloped.

6.         The certificates of deposits are issued by corporates.

7.         Repo operations inject liquidity into the financial system.

8.         Reverse repo operation absorbs the excess liquidity out from the system.

[Ans.: False, False, False, True, True, False, True, True]

true or false :

1.        There is no integration between the organized and unorganized sectors of the money market.

2.        Indian money market has single uniform interest rate in all the segments.

3.        In India the bill market is not yet fully developed.

4.        From 1989, interest rates in money market were controlled by the RBI.

5.         Only business corporates are allowed to invest in MMMFs.

[Ans.: True, False, True, False, False]

 true or false :

1.        The capital market is the market for medium and long-term funds.

2.         Capital market not only mobilizes savings but also channelizes them into investments.

3.         Capital market does not contribute towards modernization of industries.

4.         The capital market does not serve as a reliable guide to the performance and financial position of companies.

5.        Financial intermediaries such as mutual funds, merchant banks, leasing companies, etc. are part of capital market.

6.         Primary market deals with securities already issued.

[Ans. True; True; False; False; True; False]

true or false  :

1.     The SEBI is under the overall control of RBI.

2.     SEBI is not responsible for capital market surveillance.

3.     On the recommendation of the Narasimham Committee (1991), the government abolished the post of controller of capital issue (CCI).

4.     Screen based trading leads to improved operational efficiency in the secondary market.

5.      Business corporates are allowed to determine par values of shares issued by them.

6.     NSE is fully owned by the Government of India.

7.     Retail investors are not allowed to trade in Central Government Securities.

[Ans. False; False; True; True; True; False; False]

Choose the appropriate answers

1.        Money market has to provide facility for adjusting liquidity to

a)    banks

b)    business corporations

c)    non-banking financial institutions

d)    All the above

2.       Gilt edged securities refer to

a)    Government Securities

b)    Securities issued by municipal corporations

c)    Securities issued by first class companies

d)    None of these

3.       E.P.S in share market stands for

  a) Earning Per Share                             b) Electronic Payment System 
  c) Employee Pension Scroll                  d) Equated Payment System

4.       Which of the following is not an organized sector in India?

a) Nationalized Bank                                              b) Regional Rural Banks

c) Cooperative Banks                                            d) Chits and Money lenders

5.       C.R.A. in banking parlance stands for

a) Credit Rating Association                                b) Credit Rating Agency

c) Credit Risk Assessment                                 d) None of these

6.       The period for Call Money is____________ .

 a) 10 to 15 Days                        b) 1 to 14 Days 
 c) 15 to 30 Days                        d) One Month

7.       Which of the following statement regarding S.E.B.I is not correct?

a)     It regulates the business in stock markets and other securities markets.

b)     It was set up in 1988 and given statutory recognition in 1992.

c)     It fixes prices of I.P.Os (Initial Public Offer) in the stock market.

d)     It regulates substantial acquisition of shares and takeover of companies.

8.       Certificates of deposits are issued by :

 a) Scheduled commercial banks                        b) Regional rural banks 
 c) Local area banks                                            d) All of the above

9.       Which of the following is not a part of the organised sector of the Indian money market?
a) Commercial banks                       b) Foreign banks 
c) Chit funds                                     d) Mutual funds

10.    Industrial Securities Market is a market for shares and debentures of –

 a) The existing firms                                  b) New corporate firms 
 c) Both (a) and (b)                                     d) None of the above

[Ans.: (1 - d), (2 - c), (3 - a), (4 - c), (5 - c), (6 - b), (7 - c), (8 - a), (9 - c), (10 - c)]

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which of the following is a part of the organized sector or Indian money market ?

(a) Indigenous bankers                               (b) Loan companies

(c) Call money market                                  (d) Moneylenders

2. Which of the following is not the main player of Indian money market ?

(a) Government                                            (b) RBI

(c) Commercial banks                              (d) Over the Counter Exchange of India

3. Which of the following are the main participants in the call money market ?

(a) Commercial banks                    (b) Co-operative banks

(c) Primary dealers                          (d) All the above

4. Which of the following does not form the part of treasury bills issued by the government of India today?

(a) 14-day treasury bills                             (b) 91-day treasury bills

(c) 182-day treasury bills                           (d) 364-day treasury bills

5 . Which of the following is not the feature of commercial bills?

(a) Short term
(b) Trade bills

(c) Issued by RBI
(d) High degree of liquidity
Which of the following money market instrument is issued by commercial® banks ?

(a) CPs
(b) Commercial bills

(c) CDs
(d) Treasury bills
Which of the following measures absorb liquidity from the financial system?

(a) Repo
(b) Reverse repo

(c) MSF
(d) Buying of securities under OMO

[Ans: (1) - (c), (2) - (d), (3) - (d), (4) - (a), (5) - (c), (6) - (c), (7) - (b)]

Choose the correct answer :

1. Which of the following is the latest measure introduced by RBI to influence liquidity in the financial system?

(a) Repo

(b) Reverse repo   
(c) MSF
(d) LAF
Money market in India suffers from

(a) Insufficient funds
(b) Excess regulation by the government
(c) Insufficient demand for money
(d) None of the above
Indian money market is

(a) Fully integrated

(b) suffering from dichotomy
(c) Well organized and fully developed
(d) None of the above


RBI introduced reverse repos in

(a) 1992

(b) 1996

(c) 2002

(d) None of the above
5. The minimum lack in period for MMMF is

(a) 30 days
(b) 45 days

(c) 15 days
(d) None of the above
The Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) deals with

(a) Government securities
(b) CDs

(c) CPs

(d) None of the above

[Ans. (1) - (c), (2) - (a), (3) - (b), (4) - (b), (5) - (c), (6) - (a)]

Choose the correct answer 

Capital market is a market for

(a) Short term funds
(b) Long term funds

(c) Medium term funds
(d) Medium and long term funds
Which of the following is not an important segment of capital market ?

(a) Gilt edged market
(b) Corporate debt market

(c) Equity market
(d) RBI

3. The process of capital formation involves

(a) Savings and its mobilization  (b) Moneylenders

(c) Commercial banks
(d) None of the above
Which of the following is not the role of capital market?

(a) Mobilization of savings

(b) Industrial development

(c)Channelization of funds for investment
(d)Development of commercial banking
Which of the following do not constitute the structure of capital market s India ?

(a) Gilt-edged market
(b) Industrial securities market

(c) RBI
(d) Mutual funds
The primary market does not include

(a) Equity issues
(b) GDR issues

(c) Screen based trading
(d) Debt issues

[Ans. (1) - (d), (2) - (d), (3) - (a), (4) - (d), (5) - (c), (6) - (c)]

Choose the correct answer :

1. Which of the following measures constitutes primary market reforms?

a)  Abolition of controller of capital issues b) Setting up of NSE

c)  Setting up of OTCEI
d) None of the above
Secondary market reforms do not include

a) Screen based trading
b) LAF

c) Depository system
d) Rolling settlement
Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) are allowed to invest in

a) only equity shares
b)only debt market

c) both the above markets
d) None of above
The Over the Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI) allows the companies to register only in

b) OTCEI and NSE

c) OTCEI and BSE
d) None of above
Mutual Funds play an important role in Indian capital market as

a) Speculator in stock market

b) Investment avenue for small investors

c) Promoter of large scale industries
d)None of above

[Ans. (1) - (a), (2) - (b), (3) - (c), (4) - (a), (5) - (b)]

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