
MCQ on Indian Railways Administration and Finance An introduction(Budget, Re-appropriation, Budget process, Appropriation accounts & Finance and Accounts, including Railway budget & Capital budgeting, NPV and productivity test of projects) PC-11


 MCQ on Indian Railways Administration and Finance An

 introduction(Budget, Re-appropriation, Budget process, 

Appropriation accounts & Finance and Accounts, including

 Railway budget &  Capital budgeting, NPV and productivity

 test of projects) PC-11    




1)       Re-appropriation of funds from one plan head to another plan head is within the powers of


(A)    DRM


(B)    PHOD


(C)    GM


(D)    Railway Board


2)       Re-appropriation of funds from one source to another source is within the powers




(A)    Railway Board


(B)    GM


(C)    PHOD


(D)    DRM


3)   Re-appropriation of funds from one itemised work to another itemised work is within the powers of


(A)    DRM


(B)    PHOD


(C)    GM


(D)    Railway Board


4)       Re-appropriation of funds under allocation EBR from one itemised work to another itemised work of the same plan head is within the powers of


(A)    Railway Board


(B)    GM


(C)    PHOD


(D)    DRM


5)       Re-appropriation of funds from a priority work to a non-priority work






(C) GM


(D) Railway Board


6)       Which of the following is/are correct? Re-appropriations sanctioned at zonal level are


a.   Reflected in budget VPN


b.   Sanction memoranda is issued


c.  Associate finance concurrence is taken


(A)    a only correct


(B)    b only correct


(C)    b&c correct


(D)    All are correct



7)       Which of the following is/are correct? Funds can be re-appropriated to a work


a.   having administrative approval and technical sanction


b.   not exceeding its sanctioned cost


c.  during the currency of Vote on account


(A)    a only correct


(B)    b only correct


(C)    a&b correct


(D)    All are correct


8)       Re-appropriation is NOT permissible between


a.       Different grants


b.       Capital, railway funds, safety fund


c.       Voted and Charged


(A)    All are correct


(B)    b only correct


(C)    c only correct


(D)    a&c are correct


9)       Re-appropriation of funds from sanctioned survey to another sanctioned survey requires the sanction of


(A)    DRM


(B)    PHOD


(C)    GM


(D)    Railway Board


10)   Re-appropriation from/to or among works under plan head 21, requires sanction of


(A)    DRM


(B)    PHOD


(C)    GM


(D)    Railway Board


11)    Find odd one a. re-appropriation within plan heads 29&30 b. re-appropriation from one lumpsum work to another lumpsum work within same plan head & source c. re-appropriation from a DRF work to a DF work


(A)    a


(B)    b


(C)    c


(D)    None


12)   Re-appropriation of funds for booking expenditure of left over works to a work not appearing in the LAW book


(A)    is within the powers of Railway Board


(B)    is to be revived first and then only sanctioned by GM


(C)    is within the powers of GM


(D)    is within the powers of DRM


13)   Re-appropriation of funds for booking expenditure of left over works to a work not appearing in the Pink book


(A)    is to be technically revived first and then funds are allotted by Railway Board


(B)    is to be technically revived first and then only sanctioned by GM


(C)    is to be projected under RE; technically revived and then funds are allotted by Railway Board


(D)    is within the powers of DRM


14)   Under revenue expenditure re-appropriation of funds from/to staff primary Units is within the powers of


(A)    Personal sanction of GM


(B)    PHOD


(C)    DRM


(D)    None of the above


15)   Re-appropriation instructions between Primary Units of revenue expenditure is communicated


(A)    along with the spending limit order by Budget Directorate


(B)    along with the Budget orders by Budget Directorate


(C)    along with the Revised Grant by Budget Directorate


(D)    None of these


16)   Irregular re-appropriations are reflected by Audit in which Annexure of the Appropriation Accounts?


(A)    Annexure H


(B)    Annexure I


(C)    Annexure J


(D)    Annexure K


17)   Which of the following is/are correct?


a.   re-appropriations is not a substitute for good budget practices


b.   large scale re-appropriations are not prohibited


c.  re-appropriations are best managerial tool for effective budget management.


(B)    a&b are correct


(C)  b only correct


(D)  b&c are correct


(E)   a&c are correct


18)   Which of the following is/are irregular re-appropriation(s)?


a.   re-appropriation of funds as a whole with the intention of restoring later


b.   Safety Fund to Capital


c.  re-appropriation of funds under revenue expenditure from PU 27 to PU 28


(B)    a only correct


(C)  a&b are correct


(D)  c only correct


(E)   b&c are correct


19)   Re-appropriation of funds in all plan heads from pink book itemised work, provided the original outlay is not getting reduced below Rs.1 lakh


(A)    DRM

(B)    PHOD


(C)    GM


(D)    Railway Board


 20)   Which of the following is/are correct?


a.   re-appropriations should not be done after RE/RG


b.   re-appropriations may be done without relating to RE/RG


c.   re-appropriations may be carried out before end of financial year


(A) a only correct


(B) a&b are correct


(C) c only correct


(D) b&c are correct


Budget process


21)    In respect of major projects valuing more than the prescribed limit, a memorandum is prepared and vetted by Railway Board Finance before sending to NITI Aayog for perusal of which authority?


(A)    AMs Committee


(B)    Expanded Board for Railway


(C)    Budget Directorate


(D)    None of these


22)   Arrange in the order of occurrence for major projects whose value is more than the prescribed limit:


a.   In Principle Approval of NITI Aayog


b.   Consideration by EBR


c.  CCEA approval


d.   Inclusion in the Pink Book


(A)    b,a,c,d


(B)    a,b,c,d


(C)    d,c,b,a


(D)    b,c,d


23)   Railway projects valuing more than the prescribed limits are considered by Expanded Board for Railways (EBR), before sending to NITI Aayog for In Principle Approval. EBR consists of members from…

a.   Railway Board


b.   NITI Aayog


c.  Ministry of Programme Implementation and Statistics


d.   Ministry of Finance


(A)    a,b,c


(B)    a,b,d


(C)    a,b


(D)    a,b,c,d


24)   For inclusion in the Pink Book, Projects valuing less than Rs. 20 crs are approved and approval to process more than Rs.20 crs works 'on file' signified by which



(A)    GMs of Zonal Railways concerned


(B)    AMs Committee


(C)    NITI Aayog


(D)    Ministry of Finance


25)   Expenditure can be incurred on a project/work upon


(A) Approval by AMs Committee


(B) Inclusion in the Pink Book


(C) Sanction of detailed Estimate for the work included in the Pink Book


(D) None of these


26)   Separation convention of 1924 on railways is the result of recommendations of


which Committee?


(A)    Kunzru Committee


(B)    Prakash Tandon Committee


(C)    Rakesh Mohan Committee


(D)    Acworth Committee


27)   Railway Budget merged with General Budget from which Financial Year?


(A) 2017-18


(B) 2016-17


(C) 2015-16


(D) None of these


28)   Find odd one


(A)    Capital


(B)    DRF


(C)    DF


(D)    CF


29)   Find odd one


(A) DF


(B) CF






30)   Which of the following is not an internally generated source of financing?




(B) Pension Fund




(D) DF


31)   Which of these is NOT true: Capital is


(A)    Part of Gross Budget support


(B)    Used for creation of assets on railways


(C)    An internal source of financing


(D)    None of these


32)   In works, safety expenditure is financed from which source of finance?


(A) DF-I








33)   Under which Major Head, Funds created out of surplus are shown?


(A) 3001


(B) 3006


(C) 3075


(D) 1001


34)   Earning of Commercial lines are shown against which Major head?


(A)    1001


(B)    1002


(C)    1003


(D)    3001


35)   Miscellaneous receipts are shown against which Major head?


(A) 1001


(B) 1002


(C) 1003


(D) 3001

36)   Earning of strategic lines are budgeted against which Major head?


(A) 1001


(B) 1002


(C) 1003


(D) 3001


37)   Earnings of Railways reflected in which part of Government Accounts, as Non-Tax Revenue?


(A)    Part III Public Account


(B)    Part II Contingency Fund of India


(C)    Part I Consolidated Fund of India


(D)    None of these


38)   I-small savings, PF etc; J-Reserve Funds; K-Deposits and Advances; L-Suspense and Misc; -Remittances; N-Cash Balances are reflected in which Part of Government Accounts?


(A) Part III Public Account


(B) Part II Contingency Fund of India


(C) Part I Consolidated Fund of India


(D) None of these


39)   Capital Outlay on IR - Commercial lines is budgeted under which Major head?


(A) 3006


(B) 3075


(C) 5001


(D) 5002


40)   Railway Revenue expenditure is budgeted under Social Services/Economic Services/Transport segment in which part of Government Accounts, expenditure side?


(A) Part III Public Account


(B) Part II Contingency Fund of India


(C) Part I Consolidated Fund of India


(D) None of these


41)   IR expenditure on Policy formulation, Direction, Research and Other Miscellaneous organisations is budgeted under which Major head?


(A)    3001


(B)    3006


(C)    3075


(D)    1001


42)   Railway Audit expenditure is budgeted under which Major head?


(A) 5001


(B) 3075


(C) 3006


(D) 3001


43)   Expenditure on Railway Centralised Training Institutes is budgeted under which Major head?


(A) 5001


(B) 3001


(C) 1002


(D) 3075




44)   Indian Railways Revenue expenditure on Commercial lines is budgeted under which Major head?


(A)    1001


(B)    3001


(C)    3002


(D)    3006


45)   Appropriation to Funds from Railway Surplus is budgeted under which Major head?


(A)    1001


(B)    3001


(C)    3002


(D)    3006


46)   Railway expenditure of Strategic lines on Capital account is budgeted in Transport segment under which major head?


(A)    5002


(B)    5003


(C)    3002


(D)    3003


47)   How many Demands for Grants are allotted for Ministry of Railways after merger of Railway Budget with general Budget?


(A)    1


(B)    2


(C)    3


(D)    4


48)   'Annual Financial Statement' referred to in Art 112 (1) of the Constitution of India is otherwise known as –


(A)    Balance Sheet


(B)    Finance Account


(C)    Annual Budget


(D)    Cash- flow statement


49)   Which of the following constitute Inventory Budget of IR under Capital segment?


a.     Stores Budget b.     WMS budget c. Misc. Advance (Capital)  d. Works Budget


(B)    a


(C)    B


(D)    a,b,c


(E)    a,b,c,d


50)   Percentage of Working expenses to Gross earnings is known as


(A)    Inventory Turn Over ratio


(B)  Operating Ratio


(C)  Liquidity Ratio


(D)   None of these


51)   Important Ratio worked out to guage the financial health of Zonal Railways and IR as a whole is


(A)    Operation Ratio


(B)    Net Revenue to Capital at Charge


(C)    Surplus or Shortfall to Capital Employed


(D)    Inventory Turn Over Ratio


52) Gross Receipts are arrived by


(A)    Subtracting traffic suspense from Gross Earnings


(B)    Adding traffic suspense to Gross Earnings


(C)    Adding expenditure suspense to Gross Earnings


(D)    None of these


53)   Net Revenue of a Zonal Railway is the difference between


(A) Gross Earnings minus Ordinary Working Expenses


(B) Miscellaneous receipts minus Miscellaneous expenses


(C) Total Receipts minus Total Expenditure


(D) None of these


54)   Charged expenditure is


(A)    Voted by Parliament


(B)    Sanctioned by FC (Railways)


(C)    Sanctioned by Chairman, Railway Board


(D)    Sanctioned by President


55)   Single Demand for Grant number assigned for Railways in 2017-18 was


(A) 80


(B) 82


(C) 83


(D) None of these


56)   Demand for Grant number assigned for Railways in 2020-21 is


(A)    80


(B)    82


(C)    83


(D)    None of these


57)   Ordinary Working Expenses are budgeted in how many Sub Major heads?


(A) 3


(B) 11


(C) 16


(D) None of these


58)   Appropriation to DRF and Pension Fund are budgeted under which Sub Major head?


(A) Sub Major head 9


(B) Sub Major head 10


(C) Sub Major head 11


(D) Sub Major head 12


59)   On Zonal railways, payment towards interest component of lease charges is budgeted under which Sub Major head of Major head 3002?


(A)    Sub Major head 7


(B)    Sub Major head 8


(C)    Sub Major head 9


(D)    Sub Major head 10


60)    While Pension Fund is appropriated under Sub Major head 12, Pension and Retirement expenditure is booked under which Sub Major head of Ordinary Working Expenses?


(A)    Sub Major head 9


(B)    Sub Major head 10


(C)    Sub Major head 11


(D)    Sub Major head 12


61)   Examples of Charged expenditure


(A)    Pay and allowances of C&AG


(B)  Any award decreed by court of law


(C)    None of these


(D)   Both of these


62)   As per Art 113(2) of Constitution of India, Budget estimates are presented to Parliament in the form of


(A)    Demands for Grants


(B)    Abstract Estimate


(C)    Appropriation Accounts


(D)    Finance Accounts


63)   On Zonal railways, Budget process starts in which month?


(A)    November


(B)  September


(C)  August


(D)   December


64)   Grants will be allotted through Budget Orders, after


(A)    Submission of Demands for grants to Parliament


(B)    Obtaining Vote of Parliament


(C)    Passing of Appropriation bill in Parliament


(D)    None of these


65)   Unspent Budget allotment is


(A)    Carried forward next year


(B)  Revenue grant lapses, while Capital grant is carried forward to next year


(C)  Both revenue and capital grants are available for that financial year only


(D)   None of these


66)   Expenditure spent in excess of grant is regularised by Parliament after tabling of Appropriation accounts and this is called


(A)    Spending limit


(B)    Budget order


(C)    Expenditure order


(D)    Excess grant


67) Budget is a


(A)    Managerial document


(B)    Constitutional document


(C)    None of these


(D)    Both of these


68)   Based on the Revised estimate projections, where additional grants are required, the same will be communicated separately after obtaining vote of Parliament. These are called


(A) Additional grants


(B) Supplementary grants


(C) Excess grants


(D) Original grants


69)   As per Art 113(3) of Article of Constitution of India, no Demand for grant can be made except on the recommendation of


(A) Chairman, Railway Board


(B) FC (Railways)


(C) President


(D) NITI Aayog


70)   Under which Article of Constitution of India, charged expenditure is not



subjected to Vote of Parliament?











113 (2)








Budget reviews conducted on railways are:

a. August Review  b. Revised


Estimate/Budget Estimate c. Final Modification







b only








d only




Which of the following is true?

a. Based on RE, Revised grant is given b. Based


on BE, Budget Grant is given

c. Based on FM, Final Grant is given


a only true




b only true




c only true




a,b,c are true




73) Revised Estimate is prepared based on earnings/expenditure trends of----, and


projections for the balance period.


(A)    First 3 months


(B)    First 5 months


(C)    First 9 months


(D)    None of these


74)   Final Modification is prepared based on expenditure trends of----, and projections for the balance period.


(A) First 3 months


(B) First 5 months


(C) First 9 months


(D) None of these


75)   In respect of works segment of budget on Zonal railways, at RE/BE stage funds are sought for


(A)    Both works in progress and new works


(B)    New works only


(C)    Works in progress only


(D)    Both works in progress and new works chargeable to capital only


76)   Minor heads in works segment are known as


(A) Plan heads


(B) Demands for Grants


(C) Sources of Finance


(D) None of these


77)   Revenue Credits are to be reflected under which Primary Unit as minus figures?


(A) 33


(B) 52


(C) 98


(D) 99


78)   Which statement is correct?


a.     Vote of Parliament is obtained for Gross figures of Demands for Grants


b.     Vote of Parliament is obtained for Credit figures of Demands for Grants


c.     Vote of Parliament is obtained for Net figures of Demands for Grants


(A) a


(B) b


(C) c


(D) None of these


79)   Under Revenue segment of budget, which Sub Major head is directly linked to performance?


(A) SMH 7


(B) SMH 8


(C) SMH 9


(D) SMH 10


80)   For compiling Stores budget, figures of which Primary Unit (approved by GM) are communicated to Stores branch?


(A)    PU 18


(B)    PU 32


(C)    PU 28


(D)    PU 27


81)   In which part of Capital segment(s) of budget, 'deduct entries' is/are found?


(A) Works budget and Workshop Manufacture Suspense (WMS) budget


(B) Stores budget and Works budget


(C) Stores budget and Workshop Manufacture Suspense (WMS) budget


(D) None of these

 82)   Value of stores to be procured through Stores dept by Workshop is budgeted under which side of Workshop Manufacture Suspense (WMS) budget of Workshop; and the same is shown as 'deduct entry' on which side of Stores




(A) Debit side of WMS; deduct entry on the receipt/debit side of Stores budget


(B) Debit side of WMS; deduct entry on the issues/credit side of Stores budget


(C) Credit side of WMS; deduct entry on the receipt/debit side of Stores budget


(D) None of these


83)   Value of workshop manufactured stores returned to Stores dept by Workshop is budgeted under which side of Stores budget; and the same is shown as 'deduct


entry' on which side of Workshop Manufacture Suspense (WMS) budget?


(A) Receipt/Debit side of Stores budget; deduct entry on credit side of WMS budget


(B) Issue/Credit side of Stores budget; deduct entry on debit side of WMS budget


(C) Receipt/Debit side of Stores budget; deduct entry on debit side of WMS budget


(D) None of these


84)   Which of the following is true in respect of 'deduct entries'?


(A)    Value of stores met from Workshop Manufacture Suspense (WMS) will form ‘deduct entry’ in Stores budget


(B)    Value of stores met from Stores budget will form ‘deduct entry’ in Workshop Manufacture Suspense (WMS) budget


(C)    Both of these are correct


(D)    None of these are correct


85)   For POH and other repairs of the home railway, budget to accept the debits is asked under which Primary Units of Revenue budget?


(A)    PU 34 (wages) & PU 35 (materials)


(B)    PU 33


(C)    PU 63 (wages) & PU 64 (materials)


(D)    PU 99


86)   For POH and other repairs pertaining to foreign railway, budget to accept the debits is asked under which Primary Units of Revenue budget?


(A)    PU 34 (wages) & PU 35 (materials)


(B)    PU 33


(C)    PU 63 (wages) & PU 64 (materials)


(D)    PU 99


87)   For accepting debits received towards Fuel for traction purpose drawn from Stores (fuelling points: Rail Container Depots), budget is sought under which


(A)    SMH 9 and PU 32


(B)    SMH 8 and PU 32


(C)    SMH 10 and PU 27


(D)    SMH 8 and PU 27


88)   For accepting debits received towards Other than Fuel drawn from Stores as per the indents, budget is sought under which PU of Revenue budget?


(A)    PU 24


(B)    PU 27


(C)    PU 33


(D)    PU 63


89)   For accepting debits received towards Fuel for other than traction purpose drawn from Stores, budget is sought under which Sub Major head & PU of Revenue budget?


(A)    Respective Sub Major heads under PU 18


(B)    Respective Sub Major heads under PU 27


(C)    Respective Sub Major heads under PU 31


(D)    Respective Sub Major heads under PU 32


90)   What is the purpose served by 'Deduct entries' in Stores and WMS budgets?


(A) Avoids budgeting for the same activity through two budgets, within Capital segment


(B) Increases the budget requirement which can be used as cushion to meet cost escalation


(C) Both of these


(D) None of these


91)   Funds for Motorcar Advance is budgeted under which segment of budget?


(A) Revenue


(B) Capital


(C) Earnings


(D) Civil grants


92)   How many times Earnings budget is reviewed?


(A)    Once at RE/BE stage


(B)    Twice at RE/BE and FM stage


(C)    Thrice at August review, RE/BE stage and FM stage


(D)    Every month


93)   Funds for mechanised coach cleaning activity are sought under which Sub Major head (SMH)?


(A) 2


(B) 3


(C) 4


(D) None of these


94)   NPS, Government Contribution is budgeted under which SMH and PU?


(A)    SMH 11 and PU 99


(B)  SMH 11 and PU 08


(C)    SMH 09 and PU 08


(D)    SMH 1 and PU 08

Appropriation accounts


95)       Appropriation Accounts are prepared in which form?


(A)        A.1106


(B)        E. 1212


(C)        F.403


(D)        S.1302


96)       As a system of reporting back to Parliament (PAC), Railways submit these accounts for scrutiny of C&AG


(A)        Finance Accounts


(B)        Capital and Revenue Accounts


(C)        Account Current


(D)        Appropriation Accounts


97)       Appropriation Accounts compare the Actual expenditure with the grants


(A)        Voted by Parliament


(B)        Voted by Parliament and appropriations sanctioned by President


(C)        Sanctioned by President


(D)        None of these


98)       In Appropriation Accounts variation should be explained between


(A)        Original Grant and Actual Expenditure


(B)        Original Grant plus Supplementary Grant and Actual Expenditure


(C)        Final Grant and Actual Expenditure


(D)        Supplementary Grant and Actual Expenditure


99)       Schedule for submission of Appropriation accounts to Audit is issued in consultation with


(A)        Controller of Government Accounts


(B)        Public Accounts Committee


(C)  Comptroller & Audit General of India


(D)        None of these


100) Which of the following is NOT part of Appropriation Accounts?


(A)        Percentage of Working expenses to Gross earnings


(B)        Statement of Uneconomic branch lines


(C)        Statement of credit to Capital for Retired assets


(D)        Annual statement of stores transactions


101) Unsanctioned expenditure is reflected in


(A)        Annexure A


(B)        Annexure B


(C)        Annexure C


(D)        Annexure D


102)    Annexure G consists of


(A)        Block Account


(B)        Balance Sheet and P&L Account


(C)  Block Account and Balance Sheet


(D)   Block Account, Balance Sheet, P&L Account



103)    Block account reflects the value of railway physical assets created out of


(A)        Loan Capital


(B)        Loan Capital & Internal sources of Railway


(C)        Internal sources of railways


(D)        EBR-P, EBR-Deposits, EBR-IF & EBR-PPP


104)    Misclassifications (between Voted and Charged; Revenue and Capital segments;


between different sources of Financing etc) detected in the accounts are


(A)        reflected in which Annexure?


(B)        Annexure H


(C)        Annexure I


(D)        Annexure J


(E)        Annexure K


105)    Appropriation Accounts are prepared


(A)        After submission of March Final Account Current


(B)        After submission of monthly Account current


(C)        After submission of monthly Account current at the end of every quarter


(D)        None of these


106)    Consolidated Appropriation Accounts are signed by


(A)        GM & PFA


(B)        GM


(C)        Chairman, Railway Board


(D)        CRB &FC (Railways)


107)    Column I of Appropriation Accounts reflects of


(A)        Original Grant


(B)        Supplementary Grant


(C)        Original Grant, Supplementary Grant and Residual Grant


(D)        Final Grant


108)    Number of Appropriation Accounts pertaining to Grants are


(A)        16


(B)        11


(C)        3


(D)        1


109)    Number of Annexures prepared as part of Appropriation Accounts are


(A)        14


(B)        10


(C)        3


(D)        None of these


110)    Appropriation Accounts for Capital grant are compiled plan head wise in how many segments?


(A)        Capital


(B)        Capital and Railway funds


(C)        Capital, Railway funds and SF


(D)        Capital, Railway Funds, SF and RRSK



111)    Time limit prescribed to Pr. Director of Audit for vetting Appropriation Accounts is


(A)        2 weeks


(B)        1 week


(C)        3 days


(D)        None of these


112)    Reply at Unit level for Audit objections on Appropriation Accounts shall be furnished by


(A)        2 days


(B)        3 days


(C)        1 week


(D)        2 weeks


113)    Time limit prescribed to Pr. Director of Audit for rebuttal on Appropriation Accounts and for furnishing reply from PFA is


(A)        2 weeks and 1 week respectively


(B)        3 calendar days and 2 calendar days respectively


(C)        2 calendar days and 3 calendar days respectively


(D)        None of these


114)    Which is Not part of Parliamentary control on railway finances?


(A)        Annual Budget


(B)        Scrutiny of Appropriation Accounts by Public Accounts Committee


(C)        Committee on Govt. Assurances


(D)        Debroy Committee


115)    Which is NOT a Cut Motion?


(A)        Disapproval of Policy Cut


(B)        In Principle Cut


(C)      Economy Cut


(D)        Token Cut


116)    After grants are voted by Parliament, a bill shall be introduced for appropriating


funds from Consolidated Fund of India as per which Article of the Constitution?


(A)        113


(B)        112


(C)        114


(D)        115


117)    Annexure R-4 sent to Railway Board along with Revenue budget indicates


(A)        Performance Units of expenditure for Sub Major heads 02-10


(B)        Staff Statements for all Sub Major heads


(C)        Traction-wise correlation and rates of fuel


(D)        None of these


Finance and Accounts, including Railway budget


118)    Which of the following categories of staff in the Railways assist in Internal Audit


(A)        / Expenditure Control / Prevention of Leakage of Railway Revenue?


(B)        Traffic Inspectors, Welfare Inspectors, Health Inspectors


(C)        TIAs, ISAs and SSO Accounts Inspection


(D)        Enquiry Clerk, Inspector of Works, P. Way Inspector


(E)        None of the above


119)    The 5 C’s of the Internal Audit process are:


(A)        Check, Control, Create, Collaborate, Communicate


(B)        Control, Cascade, Confiscate, Challenge, Coverage


(C)        Criteria, Condition, Cause, Corrective action, Consequence


(D)        Command, Control, Check, Consider, Communicate


120)    What are the 5 Watch Words for Public Expenditure?


(A)        Transparency, Fairness, Value for Money, Quality, Time


(B)       Checks and Balances, Exchequer Control, Budgetary Control, CAG Audit, Internal Audit


(C)        Publicity, Public Relations, Media Coverage, Budgetary Review, Internal Audit


(D)        None of the above


121)    Which is NOT a method for Expenditure Control?


(A)        Budgetary Control and Financial Reviews


(B)        Internal Audit and CAG Audit


(C)        Review of Unsanctioned and Objectionable items of Expenditure


(D)        Material Modification and Price Variation Clause


122)    Coal as a commodity contributes towards total freight revenue earned by the Railways:


(A)        Between 45% to 49%


(B)        Between 55% to 60%


(C)        Between 35% to 38%


(D)        Between 40% to 42%


123)    In Indian Railways, as per the NTDPC report the average freight charges per NTKM are:


(A)        One of the lowest in the world


(B)        One of the highest in the world


(C)        Roughly equal to that of China


(D)        Roughly equal to that of USA


124)    124) In terms of the Route kms, India is:


(A)        2nd largest rail system in the world


(B)        3rd largest rail system in the world


(C)        4th largest rail system in the world


(D)        The largest rail system in the world

125)     Choose the correct option – Railways’ Revenue Expenditure in descending order is as follows:


(A)        Fuel, Pensions, Staff Wages, Misc. Expenditure,


(B)        Pensions, New Lines Construction, Signalling, Wages


(C)        Staff Wages, Pension, Fuel, Stores purchases


(D)        Gauge conversion, Doubling, Staff Amenities, Signalling


126)     The total corpus of RRSK (Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh) over a period of 5 years is:


(A)        Rs. 20,000 crores


(B)        Rs. 1,00,000 crores


(C)        Rs. 5,00,000 crores


(D)        Rs. 25,000 crores


127)    The lease charges amount payable to IRFC annually by Indian Railways is in the range of:


(A)        Rs.10,000 crores to Rs. 15,000 crores


(B)        Rs. 5,000 crores to Rs. 10,000 crores


(C)        Rs. 300 crores to Rs. 500 crores


(D)        Rs.50,000 crores to Rs. 60,000 crores


128) The Dividend paid by the Indian Railways to Government of India in 2018-19 was:


(A)        Rs.3,500 crores

(B)        Rs.6,500 crores


(C)        NIL


(D)        Rs.4,000 crores


129)       Expenditure on Training and related activities at NAIR is charged to:


(A)        Demand No.2


(B)        Demand No.16


(C)        Demand No.11


(D)        RRSK


130)     The Kisan Rail announced in the Rail Budget 2020-21 would be used to transport:


(A)        Migrant workers


(B)        Marginalised farmers, free of cost


(C)        Fertilizers, Seeds and Pesticides


(D)        Perishables – milk, meat, vegetables for the national cold chain


131)    The following are the major Station Development and improvement works carried out by IR in 2018 and 2019:


(A)        Tree plantation, Private siding development, Car parks


(B)       Multi-functional complexes (MFCs), Rain water Harvesting, Solar lanterns, Wind farms


(C)       Façade improvement, Platform surfacing, Station illuminations, Lifts and escalators


(D)        PPP, External borrowings, FDI’

 132)     Descending order of Sundry Earnings of Railways as per the B.E. of 2020-21 are as follows (Choose the correct option):


(A)       Earnings from RLDA / Land Monetization, Car Scooter Parking Land, Interest charges of Saloon, level crossings etc.


(B)       Earnings from RLDA / Land Monetization, Land Lease charges, Receipt of Catering charges


(C)        Refund of earnings, Earnings of IRCTC, Car Scooter Parking


(D)        None of the above


133) After the merger of the Railway Budget, what has been the major implication:


(A)       Railways no longer has to prepare its Annual Statement of Receipts & Expenditure


(B)        The Finance Ministry prepares the Railway Budget


(C)        Railways no longer have to pay dividend to the Government


(D)        None of the above


134)     The Budgeted Operating Ratio for 2020-21 is:


(A)        98%


(B)        99%


(C)        96%


(D)        94%


135)     Indian Railways is making a gradual move towards Accrual Based Accounting System as a part of Accounting Reforms. In this system:


(A)       Revenues are reported in the year when it is earned, irrespective of when it is actually received


(B)        Expenditure is allowed to accrue for some years before it is accounted for


(C)        It is a modified Cash Based Accounting System


(D)        None of the above


136)     The length of the Bogibeel Bridge, the longest rail-cum-road bridge in India is:


(A)        7 kms.


(B)        8.2 kms


(C)        5.5 kms


(D)        4.94 kms


137)    The approximate annual Pension liability in the Indian Railways currently is in the range of:


(A)        Rs.35,000 crores to Rs.40,000 crores


(B)        Rs. 4,000 crores to Rs. 5,000 crores


(C)        Rs.60,000 crores to Rs.85,000 crores


(D)        Rs.48,000 crores to Rs.53,000 crores


138)    In a tender of Rs. 1 crore, the Performance Guarantee in the form of an Irrevocable Bank Guarantee will be:


(A)        Rs.2 lakhs


(B)        Rs. 5 lakhs


(C)        Rs.10 lakhs


(D)        Rs.1 lakh

139)     139) What is provided in a tender to insulate both Railways and the tenderer from the effects of inflation?


(A)        Rate Variation clause


(B)        Price Variation clause


(C)        Cost Variation clause


(D)        None of the above


140)     140) Numerator in Operating ratio is:


(A)        Ordinary Working Expenses


(B)        Ordinary Working Expenses + Appropriation to Pension Fund and DRF


(C)        Ordinary Working Expenses + Miscellaneous Expenses


(D)        None of the above


141) Abstract ‘Y’ in Earning Classification is:


(A)        Passenger Earning


(B)        Goods Earning


(C)        Sundry Earning


(D)        Other Coaching Earning


142)     142) After Budget Merger, now all the Railway Demands are under Demand No.


____in General Budget:


(A)        80


(B)        81


(C)        82


(D)        83


143)     The Pension Fund gets the money from:


(A)        Revenue earned by Railways


(B)        Capital


(C)        Budgetary Support


(D)        Extra Budgetary Support


144)     Traffic Costing Officers in Zonal Railways report to:


(A)        PCOM


(B)        PCM


(C)        PFA


(D)        PCEE


145)     Petty Expenses up to Rs. ____ in each case can be made through Cash Imprest:


(A)        Rs.10,000


(B)        Rs.15,000


(C)        Rs.5,000


(D)        Rs.2,000


146)     146) In Revenue Works, Estimate is prepared if proposal cost is more than:


(A)        Rs.50,000


(B)        Rs.5,00,000


(C)        Rs.2,00,000


(D)        Rs.10,00,000


147)     Earnest Money in NIT for a work costing Rs.1 crore is:


(A)        Rs.2 lakhs


(B)        Rs.5 lakhs


(C)        Rs.1 lakh


(D)        Rs.10 lakhs


Capital budgeting, NPV and productivity test of projects


148)        The purpose of Works Register as per the Engineering Code is to:


(A)        Numerically list all works under Revenue and Capital in a Division


(B)        To list all works sanctioned under D.No.16 with reference to sanctioned cost,budget allotment and details of expenditure incurred


(C)        It is a register maintained in the office of the Chief Engineer (Civil)


(D)        None of the above


149)    Completion Report has to be prepared for all works / projects completed in a Railway Unit, as per the Engineering Code. What major support documents / data assist in preparing the Completion Report?


(A)        Final Bill Summary, Completion Estimate and Satisfactory Work Completion report by the Executive


(B)        Works Contractor’s self-assessed expenditure booked to that work duly reconciled with the Executive’s expenditure account


(C)        Detailed Estimate, Abstract Estimate and Book of Sanction


(D)        Material at Site Report, Material Modification Report and Variation Statements for the work


150)    Productivity Test as a method of Post Project appraisal is used for which category of Works in the Railways?


(A)        Works Charged to Development Fund


(B)        Works which will lead to a financial return on capital invested in terms of traffic revenue earned after opening of a new line as compared to estimated revenue / earnings


(C)        Works sanctioned in a Production Unit for all high value capital machinery plant and the corresponding increase in the physical output in the Production Unit


(D)        Works sanctioned for station development works to measure the increase in number of originating passengers after the station development work is over.


151)   The balance sheet of any organisation represents:


(A)        Asset Statement


(B)        Statement of Financial Position


(C)        Statement of Profit and Loss Account


(D)        Cash Book Balance


152)   GST is a consumption of goods and service tax based on:


(A)        Development


(B)        Dividend


(C)        Duration


(D)        Destination


153)   CAPAM stands for:


(A)        Capital Asset Pricing Model


(B)        Capital Amount of Printing Model


(C)        Capital Amount Pricing Model


(D)        Capital Asset Printing Model

 154)    In capital budgeting, a technique which is based upon discounted cash flow is classified as:


(A)        Net future value method


(B)        Net present value method


(C)        Net capital budgeting method


(D)        Net dividend and discount method


155) ______________ refers to meeting the needs of the present people without


compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs


(A)        Corporate Social Responsibility


(B)        Sustainability


(C)        Convergence


(D)        Green Economics


156)    ______________ is defined as the length of time required to cover the initial cash outlay


(A)        Payback period


(B)        Inventory Conversion period


(C)        Discounted payback period


(D)        Budget period


157)    Out of the following, which is NOT a principle / method which assists capital budgeting objectives?


(A)        The method should provide for an objective and clear way of separating good projects from bad projects


(B)        The method should help in ranking of projects according to their true profitability


(C)        Payback period in terms of cash flows should be immediate


(D)        The method should help in choosing projects which maximise shareholder wealth



Answer key








































































































103B 104C

105A 106D










116C 117A


















































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