
MCQ on Indian Railways Administration and Finance An introduction(Budgetary and expenditure control) PC-11


MCQ on  Indian Railways Administration and Finance An introduction(Budgetary and expenditure control) PC-11

Budgetary and expenditure control


1)       Which is very effective document for Parliamentary financial control and expenditure control?


(A)    Exchequer control


(B)    Annual budget


(C)    Re appropriations


(D)    Expenditure orders


2)   What is the medium through which Originating earnings are monitored continuously and concurrently with those monthly budgeted targets?


(A)    10-day statement of gross earnings


(B)    Statement 6A


(C)    Statement 7B


(D)    Statement 7C


3)       The responsibility to watch that the expenditure incurred is not exceeded the Grant lies with whom?


a)       Railway Board


b)       Zonal Railways and Divisions/Units


c)       all of these


(A)    a


(B)    b


(C)    c


(D)    None of these


4)       To have meaningful comparison of expenses with the allotment, the grant given for each Sub Major head over a year will be distributed over 12 months, Sub Head wise & PU wise based on past expenditure trends. The sums so arrived are called


(A)    Budget Grant


(B)    Spending Limit


(C)    Final Modification


(D)    Proportionate Budget Allotment


5)       Soon after communicating the Budget grant, duly conducting a quick review, reduced amounts under specific Subheads and PUs are communicated to the budget spending authorities for incurring expenditure not exceeding these limits. These limits are called


(A)    Proportionate Budget Allotment


(B)    Spending Limits


(C)    Revised grant


(D)    None of these


6)       A monthly statement of receipts and expenditure for and to end of the month comparing with the Grant is put up to Unit Heads by Accounts officers and also sent to Railway Board by PFA. This statement is called


(A)    Monthly Financial Review


(B)    Accounts Current


(C)    Balance Sheet


(D)    None of these


7)       All the Revenue expenditure incurred in a month will be classified as per the accounting classification and recorded in a document comparing with the Proportionate Budget Allotment. Name the document


(A)    Estimates Register


(B)    Monthly Financial Review


(C)    Works Register


(D)    Revenue Allocation Register


8)   The object of maintaining Revenue Allocation Register is to


(A)    Keep the heads of the departments or divisions informed of the progress of capital expenditure vis-a-vis spending limits


(B)    Keep the heads of the departments or divisions informed of the progress of revenue expenditure vis-a-vis spending limits


(C)    Keep the GM informed of the progress of revenue expenditure vis-a-vis spending limits


(D)    Keep the DRM informed of the progress of revenue expenditure vis-a-vis spending limits


9)   Which of the following statement(s) is / are true?


(A)    No liability can be incurred without budget provision


(B)    No liability can be incurred without appropriation or fresh allotment, where budget provision is insufficient


(C)    Both are correct


(D)    None are correct


10)   Which is NOT a tool for controlling revenue expenditure


(A) Fixing Spending Limits


(B) Fixing Proportionate Budget Allotments


(C) Watching the progress of expenditure through Revenue Allocation Registers


(D) Watching the progress of expenditure through Works Registers


11)   Progress works expenditure is watched against two elements. One is budget outlay. What is the other one?


(A)    Last sanctioned estimate of the work


(B)    Variation to the agreement


(C)    Completion Report


(D)    All of these


12)   Running comparison of works expenditure against funds allotted as well as estimate of the work is made by review of


(A)    Revenue Allocation Register


(B)    Contract Ledger


(C)    Works Register


(D)    Capital ledger


13)   Accounts officer's monthly review of works expenditure covers the following


(A) Review by Plan heads of grant, source wise


(B) Review by individual works


(C) Both of these


(D) None of these


14)   Suspense grant of railways includes


(A) Stores suspense


(B) Manufacture Suspense


(C) Miscellaneous. Advances (Capital)


(D) All of these


15)   Monthly review of Suspense grant is conducted on


(A) Debits only


(B) Credits only


(C) Both Debits and Credits


(D) None of these

 Exchequer control


16) Important Budgetary control tool on cash out go against cash content of budget allotted is called


(A)    Works, Machinery & Rolling Stock Programme


(B)    Financial Review


(C)    Parliamentary Control


(D)    Exchequer Control


17)   Cash content of budget comprises of


(A) Cash/Cheque payments to staff


(B) Cash/Cheque payments to outsiders like suppliers/ contractors


(C) Both of these


(D) None of these


18)   Budget allotted has two categories of expenditure. Major portion is Cash. Name the other one


(A)    Adjustments


(B)    Charged


(C)    Capital


(D)    EBR


19) Transactions pertaining to Adjustments are


(A)    Inter accounting unit book keeping transactions


(B)    Intra accounting unit book keeping transactions


(C)    None of these


(D)    Both of these


20) Exchequer Control is


(A)    imposing restrictions on drawing limits on the banks


(B)    self-imposed expenditure discipline against budget allotment


(C)    self-imposed expenditure discipline against cash content of budget allotment


(D)    None of these


21)   Cash requirement for the following month and review of current month requirements simultaneously shall sent to the Railway Board by 20th of every month in these segments


(A)    Items included in the Budget Revenue (Staff payments and other payments) & works (Capital and Railway funds)


(B)    Items included in the Non-budget items (Refunds, Civil grants and Bulk order payments)


(C)    None of these


(D)    Both of these


22)   Of the following, which is NOT an adjustment transaction


(A) Issue of maintenance Stores from a store’s depot


(B) Contract payment to a State Electricity Board


(C) Payment made by a nominated Railway, being accepted by consignee Railway


(D) Acceptance of a POH debit raised by a workshop for the work done


Accounting Classification


23) In accounting classification, how many abstracts are there, corresponding to each Sub Major head?


(A)    11


(B)    12


(C)    13


(D)    16


24)   Abstract N is used for booking of expenditure of


(A) Revenue Suspense


(B) Retirement benefits


(C) Appropriation to funds


(D) Staff welfare


25)   Which revenue suspense heads are booked to Abstract N


(A) Deposit Miscellaneous. and Cheques &Bills


(B) all Revenue suspense heads


(C) All Capital suspense heads


(D) Miscellaneous Advance (R) and Demands Payable


26)   Payments under NPS are now booked to which Abstract and Sub Head?


(A) L-650


(B) N-130


(C) M-110


(D) None of these


27)   Leave Encashment to railway retirees is booked to which Abstract?


(A)    Abstract J


(B)    Abstract K


(C)    Abstract L


(D)    None of these


28)   Leave Encashment to railway Audit retirees is booked to which Head?


(A) Major Head 3001


(B) L-710


(C) A-110


(D) None of these


29)   Leave encashment to serving railway servants is booked to which Primary Unit?


(A) PU-25 of Abstract L


(B) PU-25 of respective Abstracts


(C) PU-20 of respective Abstracts


(D) PU-2 of Abstract L


30)   Abstract K doesn't cover the expenditure of this department


(A)    General Management


(B)    Security


(C)    Catering


(D)    Compensation Claims


31)   Cost of Training:


i.         other than Hindi & Medical


ii.       Hindi and


iii.      Medical, Health and Welfare is booked to which Abstract?


(A) Abstract J


(B) Abstract K


(C) Abstract L


(D) None of these


32)   Monthly appropriation to DRF (Minor head 100), Pension Fund (Minor head 200) and DF (Minor head 300) is booked as per budget provision to which abstract?


(A)    Abstract J


(B)    Abstract K


(C)    Abstract L


(D)    Abstract M


33)   Non-Practising Allowance to Rly doctors is booked to which Abstract, Sub-head and PU?


(A)    J-220-28


(B)    J-240-22


(C)    J-210-13


(D)    J-230-32


34)   Abstract J covers the expenditure of


(A) Educational Institutions


(B) Medical Services, including Health and Welfare


(C) Residential and welfare buildings: repairs & maintenance


(D) All of these


35)   Recovery of O&M charges from non-govt. railways/SPVs is booked as credit to


(A) Respective Expenditure Abstracts


(B) Abstract X


(C) Abstract Y


(D) Abstract Z


36)   Abstract H is used to book expenditure on


(A)    Steam traction


(B)    Diesel traction


(C)    Electric traction


(D)    All of these


37)   Inter Railway Financial Adjustment charges of rolling stock are booked to which Abstract and Sub-head?


(A)    Abstract G, 740


(B)    Abstract G, 750


(C)    Abstract H, 950


(D)    All of these


38)   Conference hire and penalty charges on interchanged traffic are booked to which Abstract and Sub-head?


(A)    Abstract G, 740


(B)    Abstract G, 750


(C)    Abstract H, 950


(D)    All of these


39)   Pay and allowances of train passing and control office staff are booked to which Abstract and Sub-head?


(A)    Abstract A,910


(B)    Abstract F,210


(C)    Abstract G, 210


(D)    None of these


40)   Pay and allowances of Guards are booked to which Abstract and Sub-head?


(A) Abstract A,910


(B) Abstract G,510


(C) Abstract F, 210


(D) None of these


41)   Payment of lease charges to IRFC are booked to which subhead of Abstract G?


(A) 780


(B) 740


(C) 770


(D) 610


42)   Payment of lease charges to EBR-IF, both for projects and rolling stock are


booked to which subhead of Abstract G?


(A)    750


(B)    790


(C)    770


(D)    620


43)   Receipts from non-govt railways and other bodies for traffic expenses are booked to which Subhead of Abstract G?


(A)    990


(B)    930


(C)    920


(D)    910


44)   Loco crew pay and allowances (Minor heads: Steam 100, Diesel 200, Electrical 300, MEMU/EMU 400) are booked to which Abstract?


(A)    Abstract D


(B)    Abstract E


(C)    Abstract F


(D)    Abstract G


45)   Coach sanitation, Linen management expenditure is booked to which sub head of Abstract F?


(A)    590


(B)    290


(C)    340


(D)    440


46)   Rail car operating expenses are booked to which Minor head of Abstract F?


(A)    300


(B)  500


(C)  600


(D)   800



47)   Loco hire charges received from works shops are allocated to which abstract?


(A) Abstract Y


(B) Abstract Z


(C) Abstract G


(D) Abstract F


48)  Expenditure on Fax machines, Video phones and conferencing equipment’s (Sub-head 630) is booked to which Abstract?


(A)    Abstract B


(B)    Abstract C


(C)    Abstract E


(D)    Abstract F


49)   Maintenance charges of OFC to RailTel is booked to which Sub head of Abstract E?


(A)    710


(B)    720


(C)    730


(D)    750


50)   Expenditure on staff cars is booked to which Sub head of Abstract E?


(A) 830


(B) 840


(C) 870


(D) 880


51)   Wagon POH charges are booked to which Abstract under Sub head 330?


(A) Abstract D


(B) Abstract E


(C) Abstract A


(D) Abstract B


52)   Running repairs to AC Electric locos (subhead 510) is booked to which Abstract?


(A) Abstract D


(B) Abstract E


(C) Abstract A


(D) Abstract C


53)   Repairs to Permanent Way due to breaches (Sub head 710) is booked to which Abstract?


(A)    Abstract D


(B)    Abstract E


(C)    Abstract B


(D)    Abstract C


54)   Salary of Gatekeepers (Sub head 210) is booked to which Abstract?


(A) Abstract D


(B) Abstract G


(C) Abstract B


(D) Abstract C



55)   Pay & allowances of PFA office Accounts Officers and Staff are booked to which Minor head and Sub head of Abstract A?


(A)    200;210


(B)    100;110


(C)    400;410


(D)    300;310


56)   How many abstracts are there for classifying traffic earnings?


(A) 2


(B) 3


(C) 4


(D) 5


57)   Expenditure under revenue Primary Units 1 to 16 are generally called as


(A) Contingent expenditure


(B) Staff expenditure


(C) Contractual obligations


(D) Stores expenditure


58)   Reimbursement of medical expenses are now booked to which revenue Primary


(A)    99


(B)    98


(C)    26


(D)    28


59)   Which type of revenue exp is booked to PU 29?


(A) Children Education Allowance


(B) Leave encashment


(C) Payments to reengaged staff, officers and consultants


(D) Cost of material directly purchased


60)   Fuel issued to foreign loco is booked to which PU, while accepting the debit by it


under Abstract H?


(A)    PU 27


(B)    PU 28


(C)    PU 33


(D)    PU 60


61)   Electrical energy bill, traction as well as non-traction is now booked to which PU?


(A)    PU 30


(B)    PU 28


(C)    PU 33


(D)    PU 32


62)   Fuel issued for output of track machines is booked to which PU, in SMH 5?


(A) PU 30


(B) PU 31


(C) PU 33


(D) PU 32


63)   Expenditure on furnace oil used for maintenance of plant and equipment is booked to


(A)    PU 27


(B)    PU 28


(C)    PU 33


(D)    PU99


64)   Under PU 53, which type of revenue expenditure is booked?


(A) Cost of computer hardware


(B) Expenditure on Laptop purchased by officers


(C) All India Leave Travel Concession


(D) Interest on delayed deposit of NPS contributions


65)   Loco performance (GTKM debits/credits) are booked to which PU?


(A) PU 33


(B) PU 61


(C) PU 27


(D) None of these


66)   GST PUs are


(A)    PU 72 to 75


(B)    PU42 to 44


(C)    All of these


(D)    None of these


67)   How many modules are there in complete Revenue expenditure allocation?


(A) Abstract, Detailed head


(B) Abstract, Detailed head, PU


(C) Detailed head and PU


(D) Abstract and PU


68)   Revenue allocation to fee payable to legal counsel is


(A)    A-0164-99


(B)    A-0790-99


(C)    F-0151-99


(D)    C-0594-99


69)   Payment of KMA to Diesel loco pilots is allocable to


(A) 08-0312-10


(B) 08-0412-10


(C) 08-0212-10


(D) 08-0414-10


70)   Accounting classification for works has how many numerical modules of 2-digits each?


(A)    4


(B)    5


(C)    6


(D)    7


71)   Pick correct order in Accounting classification for works


(A) Source/subhead/plan head/primary unit


(B) Plan head/source/subhead/primary unit


(C) Plan head/subhead/source/primary unit


(D) Source/plan head/subhead/primary unit


72)   Plan head 1100 is for


(A)    New lines (Construction)


(B)    New lines (RVNL)


(C)    New lines


(D)    None of these


73)   Plan Head 4200 denotes


(A) Staff quarters


(B) Staff Amenities


(C) Staff welfare


(D) Passenger Amenities


74)      Primary Unit in Accounting Classification indicates


(A) Activity of expenditure


(B) Object of expenditure


(C) None of these


(D) Both


75)      Source code for a. RRSK and b. EBR-IF


(A)    29 and 84


(B)    84 and 29


(C)    26 and 28


(D)    21 and 23


76)   Detailed head for a construction of a workshop building for construction of mechanical Workshop and b. plant & equipment for mechanical equipment


(A)    4275 and 4263


(B)    4263 and 4275


(C)    1163 and 1175


(D)    1175 and 1163


77)   Training/HRD plan head is


(A)    36


(B)  51


(C)  53


(D)   None of these


78)   Subhead for Stock Adjustment Account is


(A)    7210


(B)  7110


(C)  7180


(D)   7160


79)      Subhead 7210 indicates which activity in Capital suspense


(A)    Stores


(B)  Workshop


(C)  M&P


(D)   Workshop Manufacture Suspense


80)   Subhead for Miscellaneous Advance under Inventories is


(A) 7210


(B) 7310


(C) 7110


(D) 4110


81)      In works expenditure Pay & Allowances of staff is booked to which Primary Unit?


(A) 1


(B) 4


(C) 5


(D) 7


82)      In works expenditure Primary Unit 7 is used for


(A)    Central GST


(B)    Stores supplied from Stock


(C)    Productivity linked bonus


(D)    Credit for released material


Journalisation and allocation


83) Journalise RRB receipts


(A)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Abstract X Cr


(B)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Major head 1001- Miscellaneous. receipts Cr


(C)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Abstract Y Cr


(D)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Abstract Z Cr


84) Journalise siding charges received by X division


(A)    Cheques& Bills Dr; Transfer Divisional (Traffic Accounts) Cr


(B)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Transfer Divisional (Hqrs) Cr


(C)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Transfer Divisional (Traffic Accounts) Cr


(D)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Major head 1001- Miscellaneous. receipts Cr


85)   Journalise receipt of PF amount from X division to Y division, in the books of Y


(A) PF Suspense head Dr; Transfer Division X (-) Cr


(B) PF Suspense head Dr; Transfer Division X Cr


(C) Transfer Division X Dr; PF Suspense head Cr


(D) Transfer Division X (-) Cr; PF Suspense head Cr


86)   Journalise transfer of PF amount from X division to Y division, in the books of X


(A) PF Suspense head Dr; Transfer Division Y Cr


(B) PF Suspense head (-) Cr; Transfer Division Y Cr


(C) Transfer Division Y Dr; PF Suspense head Cr


(D) Transfer Division Y (-) Cr; PF Suspense head Dr


87)   Allocate passing of a pay order for the amount of Personal Computer advance sanctioned


(A)    Motor car Suspense head Dr; Cheques & Bills Cr


(B)    Motor car Suspense head Dr; Remittance into Bank Cr


(C)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Motor car Suspense head (-)Dr;


(D)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Motor car Suspense head Cr


88) Allocate receipt of EMD


A)      Deposit Miscellaneous Suspense head Cr; Cheques & bills Cr;


B)      Deposit Miscellaneous Suspense head (-)Cr; Remittance into Bank Cr;


C)      Remittance into Bank Dr; Deposit Miscellaneous Suspense head Cr


D)      None of these


89)   Allocate recoupment of an Imprest bill received in Accounts office for passing


from executive


(A)    Imprest Suspense head Dr; Cheques & Bills Cr


(B)    Imprest Suspense head Dr; Relevant revenue head Cr


(C)    Relevant revenue head Dr; Imprest Suspense head Cr;


(D)    Relevant revenue head Dr; Cheques & Bills Cr;


90)   For accounting the salary payable in March to staff in the same month (which actually paid in April of next year), which suspense head is operated?


(A)    Traffic Account


(B)    Demands Recoverable


(C)    Demands Payable


(D)    None of these

 91)   In workshop, how an expenditure incurred on POH of a wagon of X division recorded after completion of the work, based on the outturn statement?


(A)    WMS Dr; Transfer Division X Cr


(B)    Transfer Division X Dr; WMS Cr


(C)    Stores Suspense Dr; WMS Cr


(D)    None of these


92)   Allocate the stores received in a depot from supplier for which payment is due


(A) 20-7161-05 Dr; Purchase Suspense Cr


(B) 20-7161-05 Dr; Stores in Transit Suspense Cr


(C) 20-7161-05 Cr; Sales Suspense Dr


(D) None of these


93)   What is the Journal entry for the Coaching Earnings -other than passengers (other coaching earnings)


(A)    Traffic Account Dr; Abstract Z Cr


(B)    Traffic Account Dr; Abstract Y Cr


(C)    Traffic Account Dr; Abstract X Cr


(D)    Abstract X Dr; Traffic Account Cr


94)   Carriage/Coach deposit amount remained unclaimed for more than 3 years, the same is transferred to earnings. Write the journal entry


(A)    Deposit Miscellaneous (TA) Dr; Abstract Y Cr


(B)    Deposit Miscellaneous (TA) Dr; Abstract X Cr


(C)    Deposit Miscellaneous (TA) Dr; Abstract Z Cr


(D)    None of these


95)   Upon receipt of clearance report from RBI, what JV entry is passed for clearing Remittance into Bank?


(A)    Deposit with Reserve Bank Dr; Remittance into Bank (-) Dr


(B)    Remittance into Bank Dr; Deposit with Reserve Bank Cr;


(C)    Deposit with Reserve Bank Dr; Cheques & Bills Cr


(D)    None of these


96)   Upon receipt of encashed cheques clearance report from RBI, what JV entry is made for clearing Cheques & Bills?


(A)    Deposit with Reserve Bank Dr; Remittance into Bank Cr


(B)    Deposit with Reserve Bank Dr; Cheques & Bills Cr


(C)    Cheques & Bills(-) Cr; Deposit with Reserve Bank Cr


(D)    None of these


97)   After drawl of completion report, project cost should be transferred by CORE to Zonal Railway by means of


(A)    issue of a transfer certificate and preparation of JV


(B)    Transfer Without Financial Adjustment


(C)    No such transfer is needed, as the project is executed by CORE against budget provision


(D)    Asset Register


98)   Transfer Without Financial Adjustment is done by


(A)    preparing JV


(B)  by altering balances in the ledger


(C)  Both of these


(D)   None of these


99)   Journalise GTKM debit from X railway to Y railway


(A) Transfer Railways Y Dr; Abstract H (-) Dr


(B) Abstract H Dr; Transfer Railways X Cr


(C) Both carried out in transferor Rly -X and transferee Rly-Y


(D) None of these


100)    Transactions settled between railways and other Govt Depts are known as


(A)        Transfer transactions


(B)        Remittance transactions


(C)        Both of these


(D)        None of these


101)    Transactions settled between two separate accounting units of Railways are called


(A)        Transfer transactions


(B)        Remittance transactions


(C)        Both of these


(D)        None of these


102)   Find the odd one


(A)        Reserve Bank Deposits


(B)        Reserve Bank Suspense


(C)        PAO suspense


(D)        Miscellaneous Advances Revenue


103)   Find the odd one


(A)        Miscellaneous Advances Revenue


(B)        Miscellaneous Advance Capital


(C)        Demands Payable


(D)        Demands Recoverable


104)    Find the odd one


(A)    Purchases


(B)  Sales


(C)  Stores in Transit


(D)   Cash in Transit


105)    Find odd one


(A)        House Building Advance


(B)        Personal Computer advance


(C)        Motor car advance


(D)        Deposit Miscellaneous


106)    Clearance of cheques lying in Cheques & Bills for more than a year in Construction accounts is shown as


(A)        Cheques & Bills (-) Cr; 20-1198 Cr


(B)        Cheques & Bills (-) Cr; Abstract Z 650 Cr


(C)        Remittance into Bank Dr; Cheques & Bills Cr


(D)        None of these



107)    Bill raised for Interest and Maintenance charges from a siding owner and cheque received will be journalized as


(A)        Demands Recoverable Dr; Cheques & Bills Cr


(B)        Demands Recoverable Dr; Abstract Z Cr


(C)        Remittance into bank Dr; Demands Recoverable Cr


(D)        Both B&C


108) Forfeiture of Security Deposit will be journalized as


(A)        Deposit Miscellaneous SD (-)Cr; Abstract Z Cr


(B)        Deposit Miscellaneous SD Dr; Abstract Z Cr


(C)        Both of these


(D)        None of these


109) Journalise: Amount realised in sale of trees by Sr. DEN


(A)        Remittance into bank Dr; 20-1198 Cr


(B)        Remittance into Bank Dr; Abstract B Cr


(C)        Remittance into Bank Dr; Abstract Z Cr


(D)        None of these


110)    Journalise: cheque received back for cancellation and no further payment is due


(A)        Cheques & Bills Dr; Revenue Abstract Cr


(B)        Cheques & Bills (-)Cr; Revenue Abstract Cr


(C)        Cheques & Bills (-)Cr; Revenue Abstract Cr


(D)        None of these


111)   Indian Railways is a


(A)        Government owned organisation


(B)        Departmental commercial enterprise


(C)        Both are correct


(D)        None of these is correct


112)   Capital and Revenue Accounts are prepared for review of railways as a


(A)        Government department


(B)        Commercial undertaking


(C)        Both of these


(D)        None of these


113)   Capital transactions on IR mainly pertain to


(A)        Earnings


(B)        Earnings and working expenses


(C)        Acquisition, replacement or renewal of assets


(D)        None of these


114)   Works financed from Development fund are


(A)        passenger and staff amenities


(B)        Unremunerative projects and safety


(C)        Both are correct


(D)        Both are incorrect


115) Expenditure on renewals and replacements is financed from


(A)        DRF


(B)        DF


(C)        Capital


(D)        Revenue


116)    Where do you find the overall picture of capital nature of expenditure incurred on IR


(A)        Asset Register


(B)        Block Account


(C)        Capital Account


(D)        None of these


117)    Accounts maintained in accordance with Government Accounting requirements are called


(A)        Capital Account


(B)        Block Account


(C)        Capital and Revenue Accounts


(D)        Finance Accounts


118)    As per Article 266 of the Indian Constitution, all revenues of the Government flow into


(A)        Public Account of India


(B)        Contingency Fund of India


(C)        Consolidated Fund of India


(D)        All of these


119)   All public moneys received for and on behalf of Government are credited to


(A)        Public Account of India


(B)        Contingency Fund of India


(C)        Consolidated Fund of India


(D)        All of these


120)    For meeting unforeseen expenditure, pending authorization from Parliament, this fund is kept at the disposal of President of India


(A)        Public Account of India


(B)        Contingency Fund of India


(C)        Consolidated Fund of India


(D)        All of these


121)    Name the account under which IR transactions related to the Consolidated Fund, the Contingency Fund and the Public Account are accounted in the books of RBI


(A)        Railway Fund


(B)        Railway Safety Fund


(C)        Special Railway Safety Fund


(D)        None of these


122)   Government accounts are kept in how many parts?


(A)        2


(B)        3


(C)        4


(D)        5


123) In Consolidated Fund of India accounts are kept in division (s)..


(A)        Revenue


(B)        Capital


(C)        Debt


(D)        All of these


124) Public Account of India is maintained in division(s)…


(A)        Debt


(B)        Debt and Deposits; Remittances


(C)        Remittances


(D)        Debt and Deposits


125)    To denote an activity, Divisions of each Part in Government accounting are grouped into


(A)        Sections and further divided into Major Heads


(B)        Major heads are divided into Sub-Major heads


(C)        Sub-Major heads into Minor heads, Sub heads and Detailed heads


(D)        All of these


126)   Revenue and Capital transactions of the Railways are bifurcated into


(A)        Commercial


(B)        Strategic


(C)        Government


(D)        Both A&B


127)    Any overpayment made under Revenue in previous years (except in case of ongoing works) upon recovery is allocated to


(A)        Revenue head as minus debit


(B)        Capital head 1198


(C)        Abstract Z


(D)        None of these


128)   Primary responsibility for allocation of receipts and payments rests with


(A)        Accounts dept


(B)        Executive depts


(C)        both


(D)        None


129)   In works, any change in the classification of expenditure will be effective from


(A)        the date of issue of letter


(B)        Beginning of the next financial year, duly obtaining budget provision for entire expenditure


(C)        Change should only be for the expenditure incurred after issue of letter


(D)        None of these


130)    Find the odd one: Link heads maintained in the commercial accounts of Railway and Government Accounts


(A)        Demands Payable


(B)        Labour


(C)        Stores in Transit


(D)        Traffic Account



131)    Government accounts are maintained on ___basis while Railway accounts are maintained on ____basis


(A)        Cash; Accrual


(B)        Accrual; Cash


(C)        Cash; Cash


(D)        Accrual; Accrual


132) The suspense head Traffic Accounts always has balance and represents




(A)        Credit; gross


(B)        Credit; unrealised


(C)        Debit; unrealised


(D)        None of these


133)    Labour and Demands Payable suspense heads have a ___balance on expenditure side and represent liability at the end of the month


(A)        Debit; undischarged


(B)        Credit; undischarged


(C)        Credit; Total liability


(D)        Debit; Total assets


134)    Payment made to Departmental Officer for local purchase, pending rendering of accounts is allocated to which suspense head?


(A)        Deposit Miscellaneous


(B)        Cheques & Bills


(C)        Remittance into Bank


(D)        Miscellaneous Advance (Rev)


135)    Miscellaneous advances (Rev) will have -----balance; while Deposit Miscellaneous will have -----balance


(A)        Credit; Credit


(B)        Debit; Debit


(C)        Debit; Credit


(D)        Credit; Debit


136) Debits to Deposit Miscellaneous will represent


(A)        Refunds of previous credits


(B)        written off amounts


(C)        Both of these


(D)        None of these


137) Closed Provident Fund accounts are credited to


(A)        Abstract Z


(B)        Deposit Miscellaneous (PF)


(C)        Deposit-Unpaid Wages


(D)        None of these


138) Balance under 'Cash' in L-Suspense and Miscellaneous represents:


(A)        Cash held by Cashier for depositing in the bank


(B)        Cash imprests held by Rly officers


(C)        Both of these


(D)        None of these



139) All capital transactions, except suspense heads, are closed to


(A)        Capital Account


(B)        Capital Outlay


(C)        Balance


(D)        None of these


140) All revenue transactions, except suspense heads are closed to


(A)        Net Revenue


(B)        Capital Outlay


(C)        Balance


(D)        None of these


141) All Suspense heads, with exception to 'Transfer Railways', are closed to


(A)        Net Revenue


(B)        Capital Outlay


(C)        Balance


(D)        None of these


142) The Suspense Head 'Transfer Railways' is closed to this head on Zonal Railways


(A)        Net Revenue


(B)        Capital Outlay


(C)        Balance


(D)        Miscellaneous Government Account


143) Transactions under 'Deposits with Reserve Bank (Rlys)' is closed to


(A)        Net Revenue


(B)        Miscellaneous Government Account


(C)        Balance


(D)        Capital Outlay


144) Credits to DRF are


(A)        Appropriation from Revenue


(B)        Replacement / Renewal of assets


(C)        Interest accrued on fund balances and loans


(D)        A&C


145) Credits to DF are


(A)        Appropriation from Revenue surplus


(B)        Interest accrued on fund balances and loans


(C)        A&B


(D)        A only


146) Credits to Pension fund are


(A)        Appropriation from Revenue/Capital


(B)        Interest accrued on fund balances


(C)        Transferred amounts from contributory PF


(D)        All of these


147) Demands Payable is budgeted for


(A)        Both debits and credits


(B)        Only debits


(C)        Only credits


(D)        Net (credits) only



148) With respect to Demands Recoverable find the odd one


A)          Rent received on buildings


B)          Electricity and water charges received from service provided to outsiders


C)          Interest and Maintenance &M charges from sidings


D)          None of these


149)    Choose the correct statement(s)


a)   Traffic account is operated for watching the realization of earnings originated at stations


b)   Demands recoverable is operated for watching the realization of bills raised on Divisions


c)   MAR is operated for keeping the amounts remitted by the outsiders


d)   Difference between book balance and physical balance of stores is reflected


A)          All are correct


B)          a, b, c are correct


C)          a, b, d are correct


D)          a, c, d are correct


150)    Detailed account of an accounts circle for both receipts and payments under prescribed Government accounts is called


A)          Capital Account


B)          Revenue Account


C)          Block Account


D)          Accounts Current


151)   General books comprises of


A)          Register of earnings


B)          Register of works


C)          Deposit Miscellaneous register


D)          None of these


152)   General books: Find odd one


A)          Revenue Allocation Register


B)          Daily & Monthly abstract of cash transactions


C)          Journal


D)          Ledger


153)   Subsidiary books: Find odd one


A)          Revenue Allocation Register


B)          Works register


C)          Journal


D)          Earnings register


154)   Journal: Find odd one


A)          Traffic check sheet for station remittances


B)          Rectification of mistakes/misclassifications


C)          Remittance transactions


D)          Transfer transactions


155) Ledger: Choose the correct statement(s)


(A)        To end of a month progressive balances of receipts and payments are recorded


(B)        Postings are made from Capital and Revenue Journals


(C)        It is maintained in 3 Parts


(D)        No cash transactions are recorded


156) Which of the following statements is not correct?


(A)        General books suit the principles of Govt accounting


(B)        Schedules accompanying Accounts Current suit to commercial accounting


(C)        Cash book is an example for Subsidiary cook


(D)        None of these


157) Purchase suspense, other than in case of advance payment, will have


(A)        Credit first


(B)        Debit first


(C)        Auction sales


(D)        Depot transfers


158) Which of the following statements is true?


(A)        Monthly Cash abstract totals and Journal totals are taken separately to ledger


(B)        Totals in monthly abstract of Cash book are added up to Journal, before posting monthly transactions in the ledger


(C)        Only totals in monthly abstract of Cash book are taken to ledger


(D)        None of these


159) The figures shown in the Monthly Accounts Current are


(A)        Gross


(B)        Credits


(C)        Net


(D)        All of these


160)    Earnings-Accounts Current Vs Schedules: Which of the following statement(s) is /are true?


(A)        Accounts Current will show only realized earnings net


(B)        Schedules will show accrued earnings duly classified and also Traffic suspense


(C)        Both are incorrect


(D)        Both A&B are correct


161)    Working Expenses-Revenue Accounts Current Vs Schedules: Which of the following statement(s) is /are true?


(A)        Accounts Current will show all revenue expenditure net


(B)        Schedules will show revenue duly classified abstract wise and also X-suspense


(C)        Both A&B are correct


(D)        Both are incorrect


162) Accounts Current: Which of the following statement(s) is / are true?


(A)        Accounts Current figures are incorporated in Ways & Means position of Union Govt.


(B)        Schedules are useful for MIS


(C)        Both are incorrect


(D)        Both A&B are correct


 163)    Report on Debt and Remittance head balances submitted to Railway Board as part of Finance accounts is called


(A)        Debt head report


(B)        Half-yearly review of suspense balances


(C)        Half-yearly arrear report


(D)        Outturn Statement


164) Which of the following is not shown in the Debt head report?


(A)        F Loans & Advances


(B)        L Retirement benefits


(C)        I Small Savings


(D)        J Reserve Funds


165)    Which of the following is true?: Balance under Transfer Railways/ Transfer Division, if any


(A)        Should be brought to 'nil', by end of the year


(B)        Vitiates the Budgetary and Expenditure control, being unadjusted transactions


(C)        A&B are correct


(D)        None of these


166)    Which of the following is not settled through RBI in case of transactions between Railways and other Government Departments?


(A)        Defense and Postal


(B)        DGS&D supplies


(C)        Cash Payments


(D)        Income tax recoveries made from staff and outsiders


167)    Which of the following statements is/are true: By end of Financial Year, balance under Reserve Bank Suspense


(A)        Should be made 'nil'


(B)        Debit balance is transferred to MA-R


(C)        Credit balance is transferred to Deposit Miscellaneous


(D)        All of these are correct


168)    Transactions pertaining to Defense & Postal originated in Railways are adjusted by operating a suspense head called


(A)        PAO/AG suspense


(B)        M-Remittances


(C)        Reserve Bank Deposit


(D)        Cheques & Bills


169)    Accounting heads operated temporarily for specific purposes before booking to final heads are called


(A)        Suspense heads or Transient heads


(B)        Civil heads


(C)        Commercial lines


(D)        Debt heads


170)   Find the odd one: Inventory suspense heads


(A)        Stores in stock


(B)        WMS


(C)        MA-R


(D)        MA-C

 171) Find the odd one: Link suspense heads


(A)        PAO suspense


(B)        Traffic Account


(C)        Labour


(D)        Demands Payable


172) Find the odd one


(A)        Hardcore/Inefficient


(B)        Irregular


(C)        Beyond permissible period


(D)        ABC Analysis


173) Find the odd one


(A)        MA-R


(B)        Traffic Account


(C)        Deposit Miscellaneous


(D)        WMS


(others have Debit balance)


174) All cash receipts and payments are posted in


(A)        Cashier's Cash Book of Cash Office


(B)        General Cash Book of Books section


(C)        only B is correct


(D)        A & B are correct


175)    Traffic receipts: keep in the order of occurrence-


a)   Posting on the Receipts side of Cashier's cash book


b)   Posting in Traffic Check sheet


c)   Preparation of CR/TR note and MCRs


d)   Posting in the General Cash Book & AO sign as a token of reconciliation daily


on Cashier's cash Book


(A)        a, b, c, d


(B)        c, a, b, d


(C)        a, d, c, b


(D)        None of these


176)    Payments: Find the odd one


a)CO7 preparation and CO7-wise posting in General Cash Book


b)Posting  of    bills    received   on    payment  side      of   Cashier's  Cash                                 book


c)  Preparation of Cheques


d)  D.AO's daily verification of Cashier's cash book


A)          c, b, d, a


B)          a, b, c, d


C)          d, c, b, a


D)          a, c, b, d


177) Cash in Transit is


(A)        The cash taken by station in the balance sheet is accounted by cash office in the following month


(B)        The cash accounted by station in a month


(C)        The cash accounted by cash office in a month


(D)        None of these


178)    The check exercised by railway accounts office on financial transactions is called


(A)        Post check


(B)        Precheck


(C)        Internal Check


(D)        Internal Audit


179)    Independent appraisal function of review of selected activities by Accounts team is called


(A)        Post check


(B)        Precheck


(C)        Internal Check


(D)        Internal Audit


180)   Name the supreme statutory Audit Organisation in India


(A)        C&AG


(B)        CGA


(C)        CVC


(D)        None of these


181)   What is not within the 3-fold purpose of Railway Audit?


(A)        Accountancy audit


(B)        Internal audit


(C)        Appropriation audit


(D)        Administrative audit


182)   Time limit to furnish reply by Zonal railway for Draft Paras is


(A)        1 month


(B)        8 weeks


(C)        6 weeks


(D)        4 weeks


183)   Time limit allowed to Zonal railway for furnishing reply to Provisional Para is


(A)        2 weeks


(B)        8 weeks


(C)        6 weeks


(D)        4 weeks


184)   Audit objections raised on Accounts as a result of voucher check are called


(A)        Audit Inspection Report


(B)        Special letter


(C)        Audit note


(D)        None of these


185)    Set the order of occurrence:


i.     Provisional Para


ii.     Draft Para


iii.     ATN


iv.     Audit Para


(B)        b, d, a, c


(C)        d, c, b, a


(D)        a, b, c, d


(E)        b, a, d, c

186) What is not part of Social Service Obligations borne by Railways?


(A)        Pension paid to railway retirees


(B)        Passenger and other coaching services rendered below the cost of operation


(C)        Uneconomic branch lines


(D)        Carriage of essential commodities at below the cost of operation


187) Choose incorrect statement


(A)        Waival is giving up a claim before entering into General books of railways


(B)        Write off is removing irrecoverable transactions from financial books of railways


(C)        Commercial accounts are kept on cash basis


(D)        Railways no longer pay dividend to general Revenues as Capital at charge stands wiped out due to merger of Railway Budget with General Budget



Answer key







































29C (PU25 is for Children Education Allowance)


30A (Abstract A covers the General management exp)









33C (PU13 is for other allowances)









 41A (600 is for safety orgn)

 42B (600 is for safety orgn)


























56B (Abstracts X,Y & Z)






















69C (312 electric loco pilots; 412 EMU loco pilots; 414 MEMU loco pilots)














77D (65 is for Training/HRD)













































105D (all others are Debt heads Loans & Advances)


106A 107D 108A 109C 110B 111C 112B 113C 114C 115A 116B 117D


118C 119A 120B 121A

  122B (Part I: Consolidated Fund of India, Part II: Contingency Fund of India, Part III:


Public Account of India)


123D 124B 125D 126D 127C 128B 129B 130C 131A 132C 133B 134D


135C 136C 137B 138C 139B 140A 141C 142D 143B 144D 145C 146D


147D 148B 149C 150D 151D 152A 153C 154A 155D 156C 157A 158B


159C 160D 161C 162D 163A 164B 165C 166C 167D 168B 169A 170C




172D (Categorisation of suspense balances)


173C (others have Debit balance)


174D 175B 176D177A  178C 179D 180A 181B 182C 183A 184C 185D


186A 187C






















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