Planning is the procedure of
thinking about and organizing the actions required to realise a desired goal.
Planning involves the formation and maintenance of a plan. Economic Planning is
to make decision with respect to the use of resources. Economic Planning is a
concept that is related to the long term plans of government to co-ordinate and
develop the economy. Economic planning in India was stared in 1950. It is
necessary for economic development of country.
Need for Planning in an Economy:
There is an immense need for
economic planning as resources in a country are limited whether natural resources
or human resources. The shortage of resources compels the need for proper
management at production, distribution and consumption ends.
Objectives of economic planning:
· Economic Growth
· Reduction of Economic Inequalities
· Balanced Regional Development
· Modernization
· Reduction of Unemployment
Issues relating to planning, mobilization of
resources, growth, development and employment:
In order for huge growth of
any nation, it is imperative that there must be proper mobilization and
utilization of resources. Resources of nation include natural resources and
human resources. For proper mobilization of resources, prior planning is of
great help for a holistic approach.
Issues with planning:
1. Planning is central. Decentralized planning is
still in promising stages.
2. Planning commission is not a constitutional
body. It has hijacked the role of finance commission.
3. Often planning commission fails to comprehend
ground realities. For example Unrealistic data on poverty line.
4. Centralized planning may not extend in the peripheral
5. Alliance politics affects planning.
6. Planning for 125 crore diverse population is
not easy.
7. Limited resources and funds available.
8. Lack of visionary leadership and technological
9. Lack of proper monetary mechanism to check the implementation
of the plan.
Issues to be addressed in planning:
Besides, principal objective
of growth and optimum resource utilization, these areas should be addressed in
an appropriate plan.
1. Population growth.
2. Food production.
3. Health.
4. Vulnerable sections of the population.
5. Transport, communication and energy
6. Water conservation and air quality.
7. Trade and investment.
8. Peace, security and governance.
It is appraised that Economic
planning assist in mobilizing and assigning the resources in desired manner.
Major goal of planning is to reduce disparity, economic development, balanced
regional growth, reconstruction. Each five year plan is intended to accomplish
certain target. Five year plan constitute the steps toward the fulfilment of
objectives of economic planning.
Mobilization of resources:
Mobilizing is the method of
assembling and organizing things to use immediately or for a achieving a
collective goal. The concept of mobilization of resources should be seen in the
same perspective. Mobilization of resources means to release locked resources.
Every country has economic resources within its territory known as domestic
resources. But often they might not be available for collective use. The
percentage of resources used when compared to the potential is often very low.
For the development of nation, identification and mobilization of its resources
is essential. It should be available for easy use and for central and state
level planning.
So initial step is
identification of resources. Types of Resources of India: There are several
resources available in India.
1. Natural Resources such as Coal, Petroleum,
Natural Gas, Water, Spectrum.
2. Human Resources like the labour force and
intellectual ability of a nation.
3. Best utilization of these resources lead to
generation of economic resources such as savings, investment capital, and tax.
While mobilisation of resources is considered, the mobilisation of economic
resources should also be studied.
Mobilization of Natural Resources:
India has sufficient reserves
but due to policy bottlenecks, it is importing coal and iron. This is
increasing our Current Account Deficit.
Mobilization of Human
Resources: Human capital is deciding factor in the economic development. Indian
economy is plagued with poor human resources. While the average population is
traditional and lacks scientific knowledge, 33% of population is still
illiterate. It retards economic progress in country (Gupta, 2008). Organizing
human potential for ready use is essential for growth of India. In-fact, as
country of 125 crore people, India now is observing more on its human resource
potential. The demographic dividend is also in favour of India.
Mobilization of human
resources emphasizes the need to empower human resources. Weaker sections such
as women, children, SC, ST, OBC etc. should be brought into mainstream. There
should be correct employment opportunities for human resources, and when there
is lack of skill the job demands, there should be skill development programs.
It is suggested to utilize the demographic dividend. India is currently forcing
on its technologists, engineers, doctors and scientists. Government is making
efforts to divert school dropouts to technical or vocational training program.
The scheme has been formulated through private public partnership under which
short term training modules will be conducted (Gupta, 2008).
Economist stressed that if
nation needs to grow, more goods and services should be produced. The
production can be done by government sector, private sector or in PPP mode. But
for that, the economic resources of a country should be organised. In India,
despite having good savings rate, domestic investment is less. Indians are
investing in less productive assets like gold and consumer durable. For good
economic development, India needs to invest in agriculture, manufacturing or
services. In India, tax collected is very less. The tax base has to be
Four factor of production
such as land, labour, capital and organization should come together. There
should be an atmosphere for growth and investment. It can be said that
organizations do not “suddenly emerge” but require the mobilization of
In contemporary capitalistic
society, these resources are more “free flowing” and are easier to mobilize
than in more traditional societies. Many factors impact the development of the
Initial Resource Mix: There
are various resource needs in a starting organization (technology, labour,
capital, organizational structure, societal support, legitimacy). But the
accurate mix of resources are not always available. The most important resource
of an organization is its people. More savings and more productive investment.
Taxation: India has organized
tax structure with clearly defined authority between Central and State
Governments and local bodies. Central Government levies taxes on income (except
tax on agricultural income, which the State Governments can levy), customs
duties, central excise and service tax. Value Added Tax (VAT), stamp duty,
state excise, land revenue and profession tax are imposed by the State
Governments. Local bodies are empowered to levy tax on properties and for
utilities like water supply, drainage.
Indian taxation system
undergone revolutionary reforms during the last decade. The tax rates have been
rationalized and tax laws have been simplified resulting in better compliance,
ease of tax payment and better enforcement. The procedure of rationalization of
tax administration is continuing in India. Public revenue generation is for
investment in social services and infrastructure. The private sector mobilizes
the savings of households and firms through financial intermediaries, which
allocate these resources for investment in productive activities.
Issues with mobilisation of resources:
Issues in mobilisation of
resources include all those issues and problems underlined in mobilization of
natural resources, human resources and financial resources. Low-income
countries confronting prevalent poverty therefore mobilizing domestic resources
is particularly challenging, which has led developing countries to rely on
foreign aid, foreign direct investment, export earnings and other external resources.
Nonetheless, there are compelling reasons to give much more emphasis to DRM.
Greater reliance on DRM is important to raise economic growth, reduce poverty
and underpinning sustained development. High-growth economies typically save
20-30 per cent or more of their income in order to finance public and private
DRM is potentially more
consistent with domestic ownership than external resources.
Foreign aid consistently carries restrictions and conditionality.
FDI is mainly oriented to the commercial objectives of the investor, not the
principal development priorities of the host country.
DRM is more foreseeable and less volatile than aid, export earnings, or FDI.
Indian Economy: Growth, Development and
In Indian economy where huge
labour force is available, importance of an employment oriented growth is
observable. Growth in economic terms relates to the increase in GDP (national
income). GDP is the money value of goods and services produced in an economy.
Economic growth in India has
generally unsuccessful to maintain balance between growth of productivity and
occupation. During the first thirty years after embarking on the planned
economic development, the economy grew at a comparatively low rate averaging
about 3.5 per cent per annum. The problem basically lay in low rate of growth,
only a higher rate of growth of GDP could have afforded sensibly high increase
both in productivity and employment.
Economic growth has been
increased after1980, and 1990 period. But it has been considered by the other
kind of inequity. Most of it has been derived from increase in productivity and
only a little from increase in employment. During 1980’s, of the 5.5 per cent
annual growth in GDP, 2 per cent was accounted for by growth of employment, and
3.5 per cent by growth of productivity. In 1990’s, the 6 per cent growth
achieved, contribution of employment was only 1.8 per cent with that of
productivity rising to 4.2 per cent. When the national income escalates,
perfectly it should result in development (qualitative feature such as health,
education, employment).
Employment growth in India:
Economists stated that economic growth of country create more opportunities for
employment and employment generates further development. Generally, employment
relates to the qualitative aspect of growth. If a country is on the growth
path, it will create more employment opportunities and while there is no growth,
people may lose jobs.
It is considered that
employment has always highlighted as an element of development policy in India.
The priority and attention have received changes in development plans from time
to time and so have the approaches and strategies as well as policies and
programmes for employment generation. During the past four decades since
1972‐73, employment has grown at an average annual rate of two per cent in
India when comprehensive information on employment and unemployment started,
according to survey of the NSSO. This could be regarded as a significant
record, as such an employment growth has not been recorded by many countries
historically or in recent periods. In fact, most countries in general and
developed countries in particular, have had very low employment growth
currently. ILO data signified that most of them saw an increase of less than
one per cent per annum in their employment during the 1990s.
According to financial
analysts, India’s significant record on employment growth has not been
satisfactory in view of a faster growth of labour force. Additionally, there
are a few disturbing features of employment growth in recent years. First,
employment growth has slowed. Second, employment content of growth has shown a
decline. Third, sectors with higher employment potential have registered
comparatively slower progress. Fourth, agriculture, despite a sharp decline in
its importance in gross domestic product, continues to be the biggest employer
as the non‐agricultural sectors have not generated enough employment to affect
a shift of workforce. Fifth, most of the employment growth has been contributed
by the unorganised, informal sector which is characterised by poor incomes and
conditions of work. Lastly, employment growth in the organised sector which
seems to have picked up in recent years has been mostly in the types of casual
and contract labour. Employment growth in the secondary sector includes mining,
manufacturing, electricity, water and gas, and construction, has been comparatively
high during 1972‐73 to 2009‐10. It has dropped over the longer period with some
fluctuations over the shorter periods, but has revealed a noteworthy increase
during 1994‐2005. Even during 2004‐05/2009‐10, when overall employment has
virtually deteriorated, it has grown at around 3.5 per cent in the secondary
sector. Employment growth in the tertiary or services sector has also been
comparatively high but has constantly declined over the three periods of 10
years each since 1972‐73. Growth of employment in the primary sector has been
the lowest and showed decrement. Slow and declining growth of employment in
agriculture is due to both of slow and declining rate of GDP growth and a drop
in employment elasticity. In the secondary sector, a high employment growth
despite moderate rates of GDP growth has been possible due to relatively high
and rising employment elasticity. But in the tertiary sector, even a high GDP
growth has not been able to maintain a high growth in employment due to a sharp
decline in employment resistance.
It has been documented that
employment performance of the rural areas has been better as compared to the
urban areas in so far as the non‐agricultural activities are concerned. Data
revealed that employment in all non‐agricultural activities together grew at
4.58 per cent per annum in rural areas and 4.08 per cent per annum in urban
areas during 1972‐73/1983. Growth rates for rural and urban areas were similar
at 3.65 during 1994‐2005. Only during 1983/93‐94 urban growth rate was higher at
3.5 as compared to 3.2 for rural areas. During 2005‐10, rural areas performed
better than the urban areas in growth of non‐agricultural employment.
Generally, the pattern of employment growth in terms of rates of employment
growth in different activities is found to be similar in rural and urban areas.
Construction registered the fastest growth and the growth rate has increased
over the years in both rural and urban areas. In the period of 1993‐94/2004‐05,
employment growth in construction has been much higher at 8.3 per cent per
annum in rural than in urban areas at 5.6 per cent. Growth in transport sector
was in second position and trade third in employment growth in rural areas. In
urban areas, trade has done better than transport, but both have registered
high employment growth. The non‐farm employment showed fast growth in
employment in rural areas, even faster than in urban areas.
On average, growth rate of
employment in the organised sector has been continuously declined during
1972‐73 to 2004‐05. It has stimulated characterization of growth in organised
sector, particularly, in manufacturing, during the period 1981‐82 to 2004‐05 as
‘jobless’ (Kannan and Raveendran, 2009). Drop in employment during 2000‐2005
has been faster in public sector than in the organised private sector.
Rate of employment growth in
manufacturing sector as a whole including both organised and organised
segments, has been reasonably high over the long period. Reports indicated that
employment in manufacturing grew at 4.3 per cent per annum during 1972. The
services sector is now the dominant part of the Indian economy accounting for
about 59 per cent of Gross National Product. Its performance in employment
generation has not been as remarkable as in its contribution to GDP. Employment
in this sector has grown at an average of about 3.5 per cent per annum over a
longer period of about 40 years, thus raising its share in total employment
from around 15 per cent in 1972‐73 to 26 per cent in 2009‐10. During 2000‐2010,
employment in the services sector grew at a rate of 3.6 per cent per annum, as
against the aggregate employment growth of 1.5 per cent. All activities in the
sector, trade, transport and finance except community social and personal
services, recorded over 2.5 per cent growth rate of employment.
Two service activities such
as Information Technology (IT) and Tourism registered greater employment
opportunities and these sectors have attracted special attention of policy
makers. Information Technology Sector includes two main segments: information
technology services (ITS) known as the software services and information
technology enabled services (ITeS) also often referred to as business process
outsourcing (BPO). It is witnessed that employment in IT sector has been
growing speedily. It is also established that the progress has been
particularly fast in the export segment of IT and within that in the
information technology enabled services (ITeS), often denoted to as BPO.
Studies have shown that
tourism sectors have large potential for growth and also with high employment
potential. Income and employment generated by tourism are accounted for in such
different activities as hotels and other accommodation units, restaurants,
travel agents and tour operators, transport services, tourist resorts and
complexes, entertainment facilities, shopping facilities including sales
outlets for curios, handicrafts, souvenirs., conference and convention
facilities, adventure and recreational sports facilities and guide services,
which feature as sectors and subsectors in National Accounts Statistics.
Issues in India's growth,
development and employment: Following are major issues in growth development
and employment in India:
1. India's growth is decreasing.
2. India's growth is principally backed by service
sector. There is sluggishness in the manufacturing sector.
3. Indian agriculture sector is still dependent on
monsoon. Nearly 50 % of population dependent on agriculture which contributes
only 14% of GDP.
4. In India there is a big issue related to investment.
It is stated that for high growth of any nation, there should be investment in
productive areas. There should also be supporting infrastructure. But India is
lacking in these areas.
5. Due to external and internal factors, there is
drop in foreign investment. This is broadening Current Account Deficit.
6. For providing welfare schemes, subsidies and
defence expenditure, India is borrowing. The Fiscal Deficit of India is
7. India's export sector is not developing with
respect to the demands of import goods.
8. Growth is not entirely inclusive. There are
still a significant portion of people below poverty line.
Challenges of employment:
Unemployment is matter of
sizeable debate in the academic and policy research. It is well recognized that
every country wants to attain full employment for its growing population.
However, unemployment rates are still worrying in developing countries.
Unemployment is the major macroeconomic variable and it is directly related to
the GDP of the country. Unemployment leads to inflation and retarded growth.
The major factors that augment unemployment are economic crisis. There are many
issues with employment. The average salary and per-capita income of Indians are
very low. In the Indian job market, middle to senior level specialists are in
great demand in industries, with employers seeking strong management skills and
some international exposure. The problem of unemployment in developing
countries differ from industrialized countries. The issue of unemployment in
developed country is just social problem where as in developing countries like
India it arise from shortage of capital formation. Major aspect of employment
in India is low return of work. Indian government has introduced many programs
to counter problem of unemployment but magnitude of problem could not be
reduced (Purna Nand Pande, 1998).
To summarise, India has been
a significant part of world economy. It took initiative in the early 1990s
towards economic liberalization which altered the nature of integration with
world and shaped global perception of India. Today, international communities
are enthusiastic to work with India and develop relationship of mutual benefit
and interdependence. IMF report noted that Indian economy is continuing to reap
the rewards of more than 15 years reform. There are numerous issues related to
Indian economic planning population explosion, low level technology or low
standard of living (Gupta, 2008). There is a need to mobilize country’s natural
and human resources to enhance economic development. It is documented in
studies that despite of effective planning since many decades, India continues
to exhibit underdeveloped economy. Though it had progressed in many areas but
country has to make efforts to reach the standard of developed countries.